Repeat Scope question

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May 8, 2014
Hi all.

I can't believe it is time for repeat scopes! My son (13) is doing really well on 6-mp and we are ready to see just how good.

I had my hopes up too high. I'm disappointed to report that there are still ulcers, redness, and white bumps (??). The doc assures me that it is looking better. He took biopsies to see if they are current inflammation or chronic.

So here is my question: Are granulomas the biopsy result for inflammation? What will the biopsy results be if it is chronic? What do they mean by chronic, when talking about the lining of the gut? Scar tissue? Simmering nastiness waiting for an opportunity to mess with us?

And phew, sure glad we don't have to do that very often. It is all fine, just way too much stress on momma. It is going to be a long 7 days for the results.
You can find some pathology web sites with technical descriptions of granulomas and their significance. Here is a book excerpt: or microgranuloma&f=false

I was told chronic inflammation meant inflammation that was not due to something self limited like an infection. I was never given a time frame. Our pathology report showed Paneth cell metaplasia in the large bowel, which was indicative of chronic inflammation.

What did the GI say about the findings? I thought 6MP took a while to kick in. It sound like your dr thinks healing is taking place?

They rarely find granulomas, by the way. Less than 20 per cent of the time with patients with known Crohn's.
Thanks for the link, I'll go research. GI didn't say much, other than better than last time. Yes, 6-mp takes awhile, he's been on it since May.

My boy had 11 out of 13 biopsies with granulomas last spring. Hoping for less this time around.
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