Repeated mild food poisoning may trigger some cases of IBD.

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Sep 6, 2009
Marth's team experimented with a dose of Salmonella so low that there were no significant symptoms or death, and all of the Salmonella were successfully eliminated by the host.

"This type of study had never been done before and the results were shocking," says Yang. "We observed the onset of a progressive and irreversible inflammatory disease caused by previous infections. That was quite surprising because the pathogen had been easily cleared by the host."

By the fourth infection, which had been separated months apart from the first, the inflammation had steadily increased and colitis was now present in all subjects. Surprisingly, the disease did not improve despite the cessation of repeated infections -- indicating that the damage was already done.
That sounds like me. I've always had a "senstitive stomach" but living in South East Asia and travelling a lot to countries like Mexico, Thailand and India I had many, many cases of food poisoning in various degrees of severity and the last two trips definately set me off on the path to UC to start with and now CD.
But to tell people not to travel???