Research result on our "Crohn's Misdiagnosis" thread

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Oct 12, 2011
So this is an update to this thread: What Was Your Crohn's Misdiagnosed As?

Judging from the hits to my blog I don't think everyone who helped out has taken a look yet.

The results are posted here with a chart:
Research Result - What Was Your Crohn's Misdiagnosed As?

It would be great to get more contributors!

This is the basic summary:
> Data was collected from 27 people . One was me, one from a blog, and 25 from the thread in the forum mentioned above.

> There is a total of 98 diagnoses.

> 4 of the 27 (15%) had no misdiagnoses. They were diagnosed correctly the first time they sought medical attention. Two of those 4 (50%) had a family history of Crohn’s. The other two didn’t mention family history.

> The average number of misdiagnoses is 3.6. This means that if you’ve been diagnosed with Crohn’s then the number of different misdiagnoses you’ve had is probably between 3 and 4.

> There are 37 different categories of misdiagnosis.

> In the raw count the most popular misdiagnosis is IBS (14%) followed closely by Gastroenteritis (13%). The flu was third (9%).

> When depression, “psychological”, stress, anorexia, and anxiety are grouped together as “Psychological” then this becomes the most popular misdiagnosis (16%).

> If the data is further grouped such that each of the single and double responses are put in an “Other” category then this becomes the biggest group (21%).

> I’ve found the above result regarding “Other” to be surprising. An explanation could be that the number of times IBS or Gastroenteritis, for example, was diagnosed ended up being under-counted. This could happen if a respondent recalls the time they were misdiagnosed with “Bad Gas” but doesn’t necessarily recall just how many times they were uniquely misdiagnosed with IBS or Gastroenteritis. Further study would be necessary to gain more clarity. A well worded survey and a larger data set could get a better result.

> Also notable is the flu category which constitutes 9% of the misdiagnoses. It would be interesting to know how many other diseases are mistaken for the flu.

> Another interesting study would be to survey the people who were diagnosed correctly the first time. What were the steps the healthcare practitioners took? What type of healthcare practitioner saw them? And is 50% a representative number of those who disclosed they had a family history of Crohn’s? I would conjecture that a significant number of first diagnoses have a family history of Crohn’s.

> I have been unable to find any prior research studies doing similar analysis. If you happen to find any or know of any please post the reference in the comments section.
I was diagnosed correctly pretty much straightaway.
Saw my family doc with Hem's and fissures and he gave me a topical ointment, didn't work. He then gave me another cream and suppositories, didn't work. A few weeks later I went back severely constipated and hadn't had a BM in 3 weeks (I was 12 at the time). He sent me to the hospital where I was admitted and had a few of the usual tests (Barium enema, upper GI, sigmoidoscopy). Diagnosed with Crohn's within a few weeks I believe.
No one in my family has IBD, including my extended family as far as I know.

Seems to be a bizarre case of doctors actually doing a bang up job ;)
Thanks for putting all this together kss, makes for a very interesting read. :thumleft:

I would interested in participating in the correct first time study if you go ahead with it.

Dusty. :)
Oh, you're welcome. It's fun. I'm thinking about how a more proper survey should be worded. But I sort of feel like it's unnecessary and a large collection of stories might be better (tho less "proper"). People's experiences are usually more varied than a short survey can accommodate. And then there's participation. That might be a really big challenge! But if participation could be harnessed there's all sorts of things we could figure out. Have you filled out the survey associated with the "CCFA Parterns" program? I think it's a good survey but they don't share the data (which makes me angry for a lot of reasons). It would be great if we could reproduce some of their questions but let the data set be open so anyone can do research on it.

So any thoughts on getting participation? I'm happy as many people read the post as they did. And slightly shocked actually. But to get good results we'd need a lot more people.

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