Does anyone have restless leg syndrome?
I thought that’s what I had but, mine starts inlower back. Leg muscles dont hurt but, they sure do want to kick out.
I have recently added Psoriatic Arthritis, Crohns Arthritis and Crohns Arthritis.
I did notice when I was on a higher dose of prednisone it was less often. But after 11 months I don’t even want to tell my Dr,
I am not sure I can take one more problem.
thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I thought that’s what I had but, mine starts inlower back. Leg muscles dont hurt but, they sure do want to kick out.
I have recently added Psoriatic Arthritis, Crohns Arthritis and Crohns Arthritis.
I did notice when I was on a higher dose of prednisone it was less often. But after 11 months I don’t even want to tell my Dr,
I am not sure I can take one more problem.
thanks in advance for any suggestions.