Hey everyone im 18 years old i had an ileostomy on March 3rd this year when i was 17. The surgery was due to a botched appedix removal, I do NOT have crohns though. I will be having surgery sometime in July (I find out the date on Monday) I'm extremley excited to put all of this behind me and move on with my life. As excited as i am I'm also extremly nervous, im not sure what to expect after pain, troubles, etc. Prior to all this I was a athlete, I play football, basketball, and I am a avid Bodybuilder. My real concern is how long will until im able to do things again. I recived many scholarships for football but i've had to put them off for atleast a year due to all this. If anyone can help me to put togther some type of time line i would b extremly greatful. Thank you so much!