Hello, guess I should start with the normal introductory procedure before I vent. My name is Mitch and I have Crohn's. Since I was in grade school I have always had abdominal pains but they did not persist until I was in college. A couple years after college and a horrible job I wound up in the hospital and later a assisted living center due to a botched bowel resection. In the years since I have never been able to recover my stamina anywhere to the point it was pre-Crohn's.
After a couple years of legal battles I was finally successful in winning my disability case and thanks to my very supportive mother and sister I have been living a comfortable and low-stress, albeit anti-social lifestyle. Currently my symptoms are persistent although manageable with diet,pain meds and lots of pepto but I am beginning to question my very sanity. I guess what I am wondering is how do other people cope? Hopefully just talking to some other's with similar difficulties will help. Anyways thank you for reading.
After a couple years of legal battles I was finally successful in winning my disability case and thanks to my very supportive mother and sister I have been living a comfortable and low-stress, albeit anti-social lifestyle. Currently my symptoms are persistent although manageable with diet,pain meds and lots of pepto but I am beginning to question my very sanity. I guess what I am wondering is how do other people cope? Hopefully just talking to some other's with similar difficulties will help. Anyways thank you for reading.