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Sep 3, 2011
Hello, guess I should start with the normal introductory procedure before I vent. My name is Mitch and I have Crohn's. Since I was in grade school I have always had abdominal pains but they did not persist until I was in college. A couple years after college and a horrible job I wound up in the hospital and later a assisted living center due to a botched bowel resection. In the years since I have never been able to recover my stamina anywhere to the point it was pre-Crohn's.

After a couple years of legal battles I was finally successful in winning my disability case and thanks to my very supportive mother and sister I have been living a comfortable and low-stress, albeit anti-social lifestyle. Currently my symptoms are persistent although manageable with diet,pain meds and lots of pepto but I am beginning to question my very sanity. I guess what I am wondering is how do other people cope? Hopefully just talking to some other's with similar difficulties will help. Anyways thank you for reading.
Hi Mitch and welcome! I'm glad you were able to find your way here :)

Three questions:

1. What specific area of your intestines did you have resected and how was it botched?
2. Are you taking any supplements?
3. When you say you're questioning your sanity, in what way? What are you specifically having trouble with? Accepting that you have Crohn's or something else?

All my best to you :)
Welcome Mitch! You don't mention any crohn's meds. Are you on any? Do you see a GI regularly? I hope you do or start because maintaining the status quo, especially when it's not so good anyway, is no way to fight this disease. Good luck man! I'd think if you begin to get more pro-active about the chrons, your mental health will follow.
Thank you for your quick replies. I will attempt to answer as best as I can without having to consult my former GI.

The area in question was near and or around the terminal ileum. My complications occurred during my 2nd resection when a couple hours after the procedure my bowels somehow flipped and knotted. I guess botched kinda infer's the doctor made a mistake which was never the implication, but I did get to have several tubes coming out of my abdomen for several months to hold them in place.

Before my 1st resection I took several Crohn's meds including Remicade infusions, Mesalamine, Omeperazole, and a couple others that escape me at this time. The Remicade was halted due to surgeries and insurance policy changes. Mesalamine never had any beneficial effects for me and was halted after my last resection.

Since my last resection I have chosen to not see my old GI due to being able to manage my symptoms with my family doctor and the ideology that if my symptoms became unmanageable then I would seek out a new GI. As for my dislike of my old GI I do not believe this is the correct venue to discuss our differences.

As for my sanity I guess what is on my mind is the prospect of my future. When I was still in school I was never a overlay sociable person but since I have found myself retreating more and more into an anti-social almost hermit like mentality. While I have my reservations maybe I should be looking for a good psychiatrist.
HI Mitch, Welcome to the forum, i glad to see your doing well as well as expected should be i had crohn's now for 21 years and counting and it's been a up hill battle. i haven't had any surgeries. but, mentally i understand where you coming from i get out very little, my social life is a blah because i can do the things like i use to do and my friends expect me to keep up , i was suppose to go camping this weekend but i cancelled due to a crohn's flare up. I am seeing a Psychiatrist and he has put me on some meds to help me with this depression i am having right now. So like a hermit i keep but scream in silence. i am glad you found this site it is very supportive and i feel like family here and there is a quite well of knowledge here as well. i hope you will feel better soon. best wishes.

Hi Mitch,

First off, due to the nature of your surgery and your expressing exhaustion in your first post, I would strongly suggest you get your Vitamin B12 levels checked. As you can see by this poll, for people here who have been tested, there is a 72% chance of deficiency and many of them haven't had the surgery you have.

Second, I think it's completely understandable that you are concerned about your future. I know I am. I don't really have an answer there for you but if you feel seeking out a therapist may be beneficial, then there's certainly no harm in that.

Take care bud :)
Hiya Mitch
and welcome

I don't have an answer neither about the future, that's why I live in the day!
Take each day as it comes, worry about tomorrow another time.
I'd drive myself insane if I think too hard!
Know you're not alone, there's lots of Crohnie friends here for you, always
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
hi mitch. as you can tell by my name, i too am struggling mentally and emotionally with all that comes along with this disease. recently, i have found that planning something to look forward to makes me happy. it may be something small to the world outside of crohn's, but we know that doing something small in the "normal world" is difficult for us. i make plans to have a special night with my family, go out for dessert, or maybe even go out to a movie. that way when i am having a bad day, i can look toward that. even if its dinner in a movie. helps me mentally
good luck
Hi Mitch and welcome

You have been through so much it's totally understandable that you feel this way, as David said a deficiency esp B12 can play havoc causing exhaustion and in turn affecting your mental stability, it does with mine!!! I have CD over 20yrs and I still struggle on occasion to come to terms with this condition and it effects. I have gone through the hermit stage and it took me two years to get back out there, I don't say this to frighten you or anyone else but to encourage you to get support and talk talk talk, I shut myself off and in doing so delayed my chances of recovery to normality as us crohnies know it! Give yourself small achievable goals and don't beat yourself if it takes time. We are all here to listen and give support when you need it.
Good luck, I hope it works out for you.

Gwen xxx
Are there psychiatrist's that specialize with chronic conditions or should I just hope I get lucky with someone that I will probably have to refer them to a wiki page?
HI Mithch, There are genuine Psychiatrists out there that can help with the chronic conditions. Especially if your not coping well with disease. i am been seeing a psychiatrist and he is really good especially dealing with my depression. I wish i was closer i would tell you to go and see him. I would seek out a sincere Psychiatrist that will listen to your fears and hopefully help up in your daily stuggle with this disease. Best wishes.
Are there psychiatrist's that specialize with chronic conditions or should I just hope I get lucky with someone that I will probably have to refer them to a wiki page?
I'd ask my GI if there was someone they recommended or get a long list and call around asking if they were familiar with IBD and the emotional/mental repercussions.
Hey, Mitch. Just read your post. I think we all feel that way at times, especially if we have been dealing with this disease for a long time. I would talk to your GP about a recommendation. From your post, it would appear you have a good relationship. Um, a suggestion? Try to find a GI you can work with sooner rather than later. I have been through GI hell myself, so I know it's difficult. Good luck and remember, you are never alone here.

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