Sat in my hotel room at 3 am . Guess what bad belly !!!!

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Oct 15, 2010
Oh well I'm a bit p****d off!

Were in London for a friends wedding blessing / 1 year anniversary , an I had a couple of vodkas an cokes , I'm not even tipsy , had a really good time , ate well an had a dance lol

Now it's 3 am an I'm led in bed in pain with the dreaded D!!!

I knew I was pushing it having a little drink but I gotta live a little hey!!
I wish I never !
Ive just taken some tramadol for the stomach pain an diarrhea coz I know it will help a bit , aswel as all the rest of the stuff I'm on .my slow release dhc has been upped to 4 x 60mg a day an they were working loads better till tonight !!
Plus my shoulders are killing me I cannot sleep on either arm I can only lay on
my back , whether that's a side effect of the pred or something else that I'm gonna have to deal with from now on I dunno !

So I'm a bit miserable knowing I'm gonna have to skip breakfast an hope to god I make it the 2 hr journey home an not end up in hospital this week !
I've asked to b referred to a pain specialist as I was advised to in the hospital but my gp wants to give it 2 more weeks an c how I get on .
Why I have to take so much medication is beyond me , anyone else would b on there arse with a quarter of what I take a day !

Arggggghhhh I just wanna b normal , I'm sooooo ****** off dealing with
crohns !
I guess we all are most days .
I know they say " god wont give u more than you can handle "
But seriously I think he's taking the piss a bit now !! Lol
Jen xxx
Hi Jenny..
Sorry to hear your situation has taking a turn for the worse..
Was chief photographer at a friends wedding earlier this year and the same thing happened to me.
Threw a load of imodim in to my mouth to get me through the day...I did...just..
Its horrible not been able to eat and drink as normal people do but we can dream and hope jenny...
Take care..
I don't drink anything with alcohol at all, have stopped beers too.

If you have an inflammation, they become wounds during really bad flare ups. Then you throw alcohol on it. It's like using alcohol to put out a fire.
Wow sorry to hear. I usually don't get any side effects from alcohol until the next morning, but I guess everyone is different!
Hi Jen
You poor love, it's rotten having this nasty ole condition but when it hits and we are away from home and out of our comfort zone it just sucks. I gave up alcohol 10 years ago, I was 26!!! but it just wasn't worth the hassle or the pain. I sometimes get bad belly being away, not sure if its excitement with a little stress or eating different food but I hate it and normally sit up all night trying not to cry and convincing myself that I have to face my fears or I might as well just lock myself away.
I know we all want to feel normal and in control but crohns has a nasty way of bringing us back to reality sometimes, I avoid the things now I know will trigger a bad belly and try to whip the feet out from under mr nasty CD before he gets any ideas.
Good luck honey, i'm thinking of you.
Thanks all

I had an hour sleep, then we went for breakfast At 9 am , I ate 1 piece of toast just so ppl could see I was eating and stop stareing , an just made it back to my hotel room in time to throw it all back up !!

Then driving home I had to pull over to throw up again , and I've been absolutely fine ever since!
Apart from my shoulder joints killing me lol
I knew drinking would cause me some diarrhoea in the morning but I didn't expect the full on pain An diarrhoea through the night !

I never usually drink I'll pretend I'm sipping wine at special occasions or just order a coke , so wanted to enjoy myself for once an get a bit of a confidence boost , but I've learnt my lesson now big time lol

Jen xx
I hear you on the learning of a lesson....its remembering that lesson that can be the difficult part...:)
Well done and take care Jenny..

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