I am ASSuming that, because it is the transverse colon, which (and I could be wrong about this) crosses the abdomen, and therefore doesn't have gravity, just muscle contractions, to move matter along... that makes him want to reduce, or remove, some or all of the scar tissue. Keep in mind that I have no medical training, no in-depth knowledge to base this on... As for where it is located, location shouldn't be the issue. It is usually extent. In my case, I have it spread throughout my colon. Cutting out the scar tissue here, there, and everywhere leaves just a big jigsaw puzzle for someone to put back together. Not the kind of nice, neat, cut out the middle and join the two ends back together surgery they like to do. Here's the thing about pain... at least in my experience. I get to the point where I hardly give it a 2nd thought... then I will sometimes reach a point where I would just like it to stop... for a while. To go away, take a vacation. I've been dealing with it for years now, and sometimes it just wears me down.