Scared, and New...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 1, 2012
Grand Rapids, MN
Hi everyone. My name is Jen. I want to start by saying, i have been reading posts for months now and have just not had the courage to jump in!! In part this is because this is all so new to me.
I have been dealing with bowel 'issues' for about 15 years now. (doesn't make me sound so new to this!! lol) i am 28 now, and finally been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. CD sucks! for the last 3 years, things have been pretty trying on me and my family.
I have been through 2 bowel obstructions, a few adhesions, and strictures. I have been in a 3 year flare, full of ulcers from throat to ileum.
To top all of this off...about 2 yrs ago, i started having massive ulceration of my esophagus. They bleed, they constantly hurt, predinisone wont knock them out, and i can almost never eat.
I have been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease of the esophagus or Crohn’s esophagitis. I have been told it is diagnosed in less than 1% of Crohns patients.
I should slow this down for a second, cuz i havent explained, i havent had a minute to breathe through any of this. i know 3 yrs may seem like a long time, but i am still an infant to crohns. i was only diagnosed as of May this year. While i am thankful for the diagnoses, and the hope of getting better so scared. everything has been going so quickly since the diagnoses, and its also compounding quickly. "you have crohns, we will start this treatment, you will get better soon" "ok, maybe not, you have crohns of the esophagus, we have to try this" "ok, maybe this will work" "do this" "dont do that" MY HEAD IS SPINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Quite literally due to dehydration! lol)
i was only within the last 8 weeks prescribed 4000mg of pentasa a day, and a prednisone taper starting at 80mgs a day (down to 15 today). the ulcers are still there, and hurt....SOOO badly. if anyone else who reads this has them, you know. it feels like i have just chewed up and swallowed a bunch of razor blades every time i swallow. i get to where i am afraid to swallow my spit...
My friends and family have been wonderful. Though they definately have thinned. nobody wants to b friends with the 'sick one.' i have truly found my real support system. But they dont understand how this is always on my mind. how i am constantly in pain, or uncomfortable. how i am always scared. What else is coming?!?!?!?!!
So i have gotten the courage to turn to all of you. I will be started on remicade very soon. the hep panel was just sent out. when that comes back, my first infusion starts. im scared as hell (pardon the french). i dont know what will happen...ive already had a med burn my veins! what will this one do to me? Plus i am experiencing everything i shouldnt be with pentasa, and thats scary but everyone is brushing me off now. My guard is on full alert...its always on my mind...and sometimes i pity myself I know we have all been through similar and yet oh so different stories. I am afraid though. I would love some feedback. Whats next?????!
Thanks all for your time. And even though i havent jumped in until now, thanks to all of you for your posts. you have helped me more than any other site by far.

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Hi Jen,
I don't know what to say. You've been through so much and I can totally understand your fear and confusion. I just can't believe that after bowel obstructions, strictures and adhesions, it still took them until this past May to diagnose you with Crohn's! I don't have any experience with Crohn's esophagitis but I am sure someone on this forum will be able to offer you some advice.
I just wanted to say welcome to the forum and I am glad you are reaching out for help and support.
Ty so much. I apprechiate that! I can't believe it took so long either!!!! What's worse is if u read up about crohns in the esophagus, I'm textbook crohns esophagitus too! I have been telling my drs these symptoms for yrs! (I've only now gone to a new team at the u of m in minneapolis, and they have diagnosed the crohns, yet, I've been to many specialist all aound the state of minnesota...)
We know our bodies so well and sometimes the doctors just don't listen!! At least they have finally confirmed what you've suspected for so long. Now they can work on getting you into remission. The Remicade can be scary but the nurses who administer it are very cautious (at least mine are). They start with a very slow drip and continually monitor my temperature and blood pressure. After about 15-20 minutes, if my body is accepting the drug, they will turn the drip up a bit. Again, they continue to monitor my vitals throughout. Depending on your dose, plan to be at the infusion centre for about 3 hours the first couple of times. They like to keep you for an hour after the infusion is done just to monitor for any reactions. After the 3rd or 4th infusion, you can choose to leave right after the infusion or stick around for the extra hour. My next infusion on August 16 will be my first at double the dose that I have been getting and I am a bit nervous about that. I will definitely be sticking around for that extra hour!!
Sorry you have had to deal with such a bad flare, you might be new to it but you have it worse than most. My advice is get the Remicade and allow your body to rest, biologics are so wonderful just give them a chance. With the way your disease is progressing you have no choice but to attack it strongly or it will cause too much damage. Get your vitamin levels checked, get on a stomach friendly diet to facilitate easier digestion while you heal, get on an immunomodulator and Nexium then breathe and start living a better life. It is possible good luck and keep us updated
i have been terrified about the remicade!!! I have been talking with my drs though, and it looks l ike my first infusion will be next week. I am scared, but excited. being able to talk to everyone about it has certainly helped. I've also read that so many people love remicade and feel great taking it.
Thank you for kind of, walking me through it. Part of my anxiety is the unknown aspect. Knowing just a bit more is certainly calming. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!
I am still new to this community, but already I know that this will be a good place for me!!!! :hug:
Thank you!!! As I just said to PattyLyn, I haven't been here long, but I already know this is a good place for me. All of you have been so welcoming and reassuring. I am afraid of so much right now. And knowing that there are so many who have been through similar situations is so helpful.
From what I have seen, the Remicade works pretty quickly right?? I have ulcers from my throat down my esophagus, and then again in the terminal ileum(sp?) They are very painful, and I currently take dilauded for the pain. I want to HEAL!!!! I am also taking 4,000mg Pentasa a day, Prednisone (tapered, i started at 80mgs 2 months ago and im on 15mgs now) Protonix 40 mgs, Hyoscyamine every 4 hrs, and Gabapentin 3 times daily. I also have to take Iron, Vitamin D3 and do a weekly B-12 injection.

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