
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 13, 2011

Im a 38yo single mother of 3 daughters.I have my MA in counseling& am a therapist. I was diagosed w/chrons on wednesday. I nvr had stomach probs b4 that pt. Last satrday, i was hit w/horrific diarrhea. Which followed 2hrs of just blods stools. I passed out on on bathroom floor was rushed to er where i had a ct & a blood test. I was given morphine for the pain. I was given iv injections. After 5 hrs i was sent home. Pain continued to worsen. I went back to er& was admitted to hospital where i was diagnosed w/chrons. Full liquid diet still isn't working for me after 1.5 days of meds. Wish me luck. I look fwd to learning from the wisdom of those on this forum. God bless you all& I respect all of you who have fought this long& hard& admire your strenght& courage. Stacy
Stacy first off we are very happy to have you here! Second, it is alright to be scared, however, I think that you will find out the more you research and learn about Crohn's Disease, the less you will fear it. I strongly encourage to find out as much as you can about it. Also, I found that when I was first diagnosed I went through months of denial and I think the denial was detrimental to my overall condition. Accepting you have it, and then moving on passed that and getting on with your life is really helpful.

How did the doctors determine that you had Crohn's Disease? Was it through a colonoscopy?
Hey stacy! Welcome to the forum!

Could you tell us what meds you're on? Some drugs take a while to work, while others, like prednisone, can start to work within a day or two.

What are you eating? You mention "liquid diet". What kinds of liquids?
HI stacy, welcome to the forum.i have had crohn's for 21 years now and was in remission for 15 years and out of the blue it flared up again. and also on liquid diet. boost , ensure, and nutritional drinks and plenty of fluids like water, gatoraid, broths, just to keep hyrated. are you on any pain medications now? What other meds are you taking? I know it's scary at first but, once you get more info on this disease it will be easier for you to understand. and you will have a better knowledge of the DIS. It may take awhile for the flare up to settle and i hope it will settle soon. you have come to the right place to find the knowledge you are looking for here at the forum it a real family unit and great people and a great world of knowledgeable people that help throught process of your disease. Keep us upto date on your condition where here to help. best wishes.


I am. Drinking ensure& boost. I tried eatting real food last night& this morning@ hospital, but really needed morphine still after eating plus urgent going to the bathroom. I have been home for 6hrs & have had the ensure& felt fine. I am taking asacol 400mg ec, 2 tabs 3xa day, imuran 50mg 4 tabs by mouth daily, prednisone 20mg 2 tabs by mouth daily. W/3 kids@ home all under 12, Im afraid for them to see me sick so im afraid to eat. When do i know it is ok to try food? Stac
It is sort of trial and error getting back on solid food. If you try solid food, eat a very small portion; if you eat a normal size, and your body is not ready, it will punish you for it big time. Flares are on their own time, they eventually pass whenever they do, you have to take it easy emotionally, do your best to relax and not worry too much, because your mindset can make things better or worse. Continue with the liquid diet to get your calories and nutrients, at some point you will think okay I am ready to try solid food again, but you need to eat an extremely small quantity. If that goes okay, then perhaps continue with the liquids some more, and very slowly mix in solid foods.
HI hardwick, have they put you on any meds and what kind?Do you take anything for stomach cramps, diarrhea, Have they put you on predisone? that usually works within a few days. while the other medications takes time to kick in. Did they prescribe any pain killers for you for the pain? best wishes

Hiya Stacy
and welcome

That was a quick diagnosis!
Sorry you're still feeling grim. 20mg of Pred seems a bit low? You could ask your doc to consider upping this dose to 40mg, and maybe the Aza to 100mg. And stay on 40mg for over a month to get the inflammation under control.
This should blitz your current inflammation and help you to eat.
Have a scoot round the forum on treatments and how they work.
A low residue diet will help to give your bowels a little respite. Bland white foods only, rice, bread, chicken, turkey, pasta, Arrowroot biscuits, Rice Krispies and bananas should help. And plenty of water for hydration. Stay away from red meat, this takes a lot of effort to digest.
Good luck and any questions, fire away
lotsa luv
Joan xxx