Just trying to spread the word about my healing success with the SCD diet! I was tortured with extremely severe Crohn's for 11 years practically living in the hospital for weeks at a time on TPN and steroids. Had a permanent illeostomy placed 2 years ago and Crohn's came back pissed. Saw all these reviews on this diet on the link below of all these people being cured, I wanted to be cured too so I thought i would give it a whirl. (Dont need book for diet)
Anyways, the diet is Grain/gluten free, sugar free, dairy free but I make mock recipes with nut flours and honey everyday so I dont feel like im missing out at all I did slip up on some chocolate cake and paid dearly for it the whole next week though. Chocolate is illegal Here is the legal/illegal food list for this diet. Read the Intro diet on the website or the beginners section for how to start the diet also.
Here is my new recipe blog I just started There are hundreds more out there, mine is 2 days new.
I know this diet wont work for EVERYONE, but isnt it worth it to see if you are one of those that it does? I finally get to live a Crohns free life again! I said goodbye to that quality of life a long time ago. Hello again lovely life
P.S. Weight gain shouldnt be a problem if you make the cookies, cakes and breads with the nut flours. Its all super easy and tastes just like the real thing Lots of nutrition in the almond flours and coconut flours.
Anyways, the diet is Grain/gluten free, sugar free, dairy free but I make mock recipes with nut flours and honey everyday so I dont feel like im missing out at all I did slip up on some chocolate cake and paid dearly for it the whole next week though. Chocolate is illegal Here is the legal/illegal food list for this diet. Read the Intro diet on the website or the beginners section for how to start the diet also.
Here is my new recipe blog I just started There are hundreds more out there, mine is 2 days new.
I know this diet wont work for EVERYONE, but isnt it worth it to see if you are one of those that it does? I finally get to live a Crohns free life again! I said goodbye to that quality of life a long time ago. Hello again lovely life
P.S. Weight gain shouldnt be a problem if you make the cookies, cakes and breads with the nut flours. Its all super easy and tastes just like the real thing Lots of nutrition in the almond flours and coconut flours.
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