SCD Homemade Yogurt with a heating pad!

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Apr 19, 2011
I remember how intimidated I was when I first saw the instructions to make yogurt. I was sosooooooooo worried lol. turns out it is pretty darn easy with a heating pad.

As long as your heating pad has a medium setting you are good to go :)

You just bring milk to a boil in a pot, wait for it to come room temperature, add culture, Cover pot and set on heating pad medium setting for 24 hours. BAM yogurt ;)

More detailed instructions and measurements and pictures here.....
I'm thinking of going about it this way, rather than a yogurt-maker (because of all the overheating stories I'm reading about). Where did you buy the heating pads?
I got mine at Target for 15$. Just make sure it has 3 settings on it, low, medium, and high. I'm sure they have them at Walmart too. I have made yogurt like this from day 1. Never failed once. Let me know if you have any questions! I would be happy to help ;)
I got mine at Target for 15$. Just make sure it has 3 settings on it, low, medium, and high. I'm sure they have them at Walmart too. I have made yogurt like this from day 1. Never failed once. Let me know if you have any questions! I would be happy to help ;)

Thanks again. I will be doing my shopping this weekend and get around to the yogurt-making probably the following Friday (Aug. 3). I'm sure I'll have more questions.
Yup I use it for my culture. I can't find SCD legal yogurt starters so I just use a couple dollups of an all natural plain yogurt. You add it when the milk has come to room temperature after it has been boiled. The fermentation process kills all the lactose. Just make sure your plain natural yogurt has no illegal ingredients. Should be just bacteria and milk or cream.
lol yea I should probably measure that. I would say I use about 4 "real" Tablespoons per half Gallon. I am making a half Gallon of Whole milk yogurt per batch.
One more question: I just started my first batch and put it on the heating pad, set to medium, but it's not heating up at all. How long should it take to heat up? For now, I'm putting it on high until it gets going.
It will come to temp very soon. I turn my heating pad on when I put my milk on the stove but it's fine if you turn it on right when you put you set the pot on it. I hope ur yogurt didn't mess up because of the high heat :(. If it did it was because you put it to the high setting.

The secret is to just set it and forget it :) Just put it on the pad at medium, put the lid on and walk away. Come back in 24 hours and you will have yogurt. Let me know how yours turned out!
It seemed to have turned out OK. I just used it to make my first SCD cheesecake. This is quite an accomplishment for me, having no prior cooking skills whatsoever.
Hey! That's awesome =D How did it turn out? I haven't made a cheesecake yet but very curious on how similar it is to the real thing. What milk did you use and how was it?!
Hey! That's awesome =D How did it turn out? I haven't made a cheesecake yet but very curious on how similar it is to the real thing. What milk did you use and how was it?!

It turned remarkably well, considering my blender is complete garbage. I used half and half in my yogurt. One thing I realized is that I need to have a thermometer next time I make the yogurt. I want to make sure I have the temperature correct for boiling the milk and fermenting.
:thumleft: This is a great thread.

I, too, have always been intimidated by the idea of making my own yogurt. A friend of mine makes it but uses a packet mix; when I read the ingredients I decided that the bad things in there would probably outweigh the good ones.

But your method, Snoflay, sounds really simple. I eat a biodynamic, full cream milk yogurt, so that should be OK for the starter, shouldn't it?

I will go looking for a heating pad and give it a try.
I recently made SCD yogurt using a cooler filled with warm water. Used a thermometer to make sure the temperature was right. Needed to add more warm water about half way through. The yogurt was delicious!
I wanted to use a heating pad but when I went to buy one they all had an auto shut off after a couple of hours. Hence the cooler technique.