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Ok everybody let us start by saying I am off the SCD diet. It is all positive though because I have found a naturopath here locally who talks the same language in health terms and we are going to follow a similar French diet which is a bit like the full SCD but without any dairy or egg white. That will present a challenge but I am going to get back slowly into fruit and veg and rice, since my tests are clear as to inflammation. Interestingly she was recommended by my general doctor and she very much doubts the Crohns diagnosis as well. We are going to treat it with diet, maybe a little behavioural therapy and she gave me a first colon cleanse today which made me feel great afterwards. Truly I feel like a door has opened that I have to walk through and into the fresh air. As I say that my guts rumble a bit but Rome wasn't built in a day. It's all in French but mine is OK and finally I am talking the same language in terms of what my symptoms are and how they all relate. I wouldn't have been ready for this unless I had already been on SCD and seen that different approaches cure different people but the important thing is feedback and belief, neither of which has been forthcoming from my gastro guy. Still, on reflection he has done the important job of ruling out the nasties and he is no doubt right to have refused me Azathiopirine.

Anyway I have chosen a road which is not far away from SCD and as the success of it becomes apparent I will share it on the forum. Particularly as there may be some French speakers out there who might benefit. Diet reference book is L'Alimentation ou La Troisieme Medecine by Doctor Jean Seignalet.

Wish me luck! Actually the more I look this new diet is almost the same as Paleo apart from some issues of soy, nuts etc.
