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Hey all,

After 2.5 Yrs of working through Gaps, SCD and Paleo Autoimmune(No Nightshades, Eggs, Nuts) I have found what works for me. I'll bet some of this will work for you. It is worth a try to get off the meds. Cheap Medicine.

I have no symptoms as long as I am mindful of my sensitivities.

There are two "Axis of Aggravation" for my diet. Starch Aggravation and Inflammatory Aggravation.

Inflammatory Aggravation

Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (google this) asks that we, as autoimmune individuals, be mindful of the inflammatory properties of grains, dairy, eggs, nuts and nightshades. Nightshades include tomatoes, peppers, paprika, eggplant, and some other less common veg.

My body notices when I ingest the following, in order of aggravation index:

1.Gluten (highly inflammatory, immediate discomfort)

2.Nightshades (takes 1-3 days to feel the impact)

3.Dairy (is no problem for some)

3.Eggs (are no problem for some)

4.Nuts (are no problem if soaked in salt water overnight and dried in a dehydrator/oven)

Symptoms include headache, diarrhea, mental fog, constipation.

Starch aggravation 

Comes from what my guts tell me when I have had something with the SCD/GAPS illegal carbohydrates. It is basically an index of how much volume I have accidentally ingested. Please refer to these diets to understand the trouble with certain types of carbs. I can not explain it gracefully, and there is a lot of data out there to lay it out.

Symptoms include abdominal pressure and crippling pain, diarrhea, vomiting.

I understand that it is important to be very strict for 4-6 weeks. Following that, just be mindful of what bothers you while trying to stick to the SCD starch restrictions.

I live without any symptoms. I make fermented sauerkraut (Google this) and pickled vegetables to boost good gut bacteria.

I take no medication apart from a great probiotic called SPOREBIOTIC which is the only probiotic I have noticed making a difference for me.

It sucks to give up these common foods. It is socially uncomfortable to stick to these restrictions. It can be easy when remembering; "It is just food, and I have lots of delicious options within these guidelines"

There are thousands of delicious recipes out there for this lifestyle. The crock pot is an incredible resource.

We had fun with pizza for part of our lives, it is ok to let it go and be honest with friends and family that it does not work for you. Don't get discouraged. Wellness is priceless.:dance::dance:
