They said everything appears normal. Once I fully sobered up and really looked at the images we of those look awful red compared to others. Am I over analyzing this? I do have a bad habit of that lol
Hi Nurse- I also struggle over what I am looking at with these pictures. I don't see any ulcers, and I guess there is no inflammation... so I guess the color doesn't matter....
I like how they attach the pictures to a picture diagram of what you are looking at. I didn't get that with my daughter's set.
I'm (impatiently) waiting for biopsy results but I noticed the two pics of the TI are much redder than other areas. I'm not sure if color matters either...I'm hoping this might look familiar to someone around here lol thanks for the input
Nurse Nausea - my daughter had scopes that looked normal (except TI was very red) but the biopsies showed inflammation and granulomas and so she was diagnosed with Crohn's.
There are several parents on the parent's forum who have kids who've had similar scopes - visually normal but microscopic inflammation.
I did have a look at mine last week while I was as high as a kite, problem was it was mainly covered in stool. There were a couple of tiny ulcers but that was it. I agree with everyone, you need to wait for biopsies.