Semi-urgent: partial blockage? Scared out of my mind.

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Dec 23, 2011
My boyfriend has Crohn's and has been relatively flare-free for the past two years. The last time he was in the hospital was November of 09. He's 22 and was diagnosed 13 years ago, since then he's never had a surgery and not many hospital stays. He's on Pentasa, 6mp, Cipro, Flagyl during bad flareups, and the Humira pen. The Pentasa has worked for him since he was diagnosed.

The past few days he's been completely immobile. He's constantly in severe pain, hasn't had a real BM even after taking laxatives and a suppository. I'm so worried that something is going to happen if he doesn't get checked out now, especially having to wait to see his doctor until after the holiday weekend. We spend all day together unless he's in class, I know something is very wrong and I'm scared. He doesn't want to go to the hospital because we have a very busy weekend and it's our 4 month old's first Christmas. He isn't vomiting, but he ate very little yesterday and almost vomited a few times.

What I want to know is at what point does he go to the hospital? I really think it's better to be safe than sorry, especially since he's had such good luck with his Crohn's in the past. How can I convince him at that point? He's so reluctant, I just really don't want to see this turn into something more serious.

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Hiya Meesh
and welcome

The very fact that you're asking this is ringing alarm bells, you know things aren't right, so act now before it's too late. Perforated bowels are serious.
When I was blocked my first indication was no BMs for 5 days then projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea. I had never had this before so I was terrified!
I got to A&E and was very lucky, no rupture.
My consultant told me never to ignore vomiting, sure sign of blockage, it's got no where to go, only up or out the other end!
I'm sure he'll know when the time's right to go to hospital.
Good luck
Joan xxx
thank you, it's just so scary to see him let it get this far :( Like I said, he hasn't had very many issues with it so he doesn't take it as seriously as he should.
I think that most of us probably took things not as seriously as we should have in the past unfortunately. It is as if the fact of suffering on a specific moment (like he is now probably), makes us being afraid of:1) waiting forever to have someone helping us in an hospital, and 2) afraid of the unknown. I know I have personally post-pone visits to the doctor cause I was too afraid to know what was happening to me. Maybe he feels that way to an extent and hope it will just resolve itself.
As Joan said: "Act know before it's too late". Avoid complications... and try to convince him to consult. It is a really annoying timing to have to deal with ER but it would be a good thing to get that sorted out I believe. The sooner the better in my opinion.
I hope everything gets better.
Good luck
the fact that he is in pain and has not had a bowel movement after taking laxatives and suppositories is serious enough for me, i would have been to hospital by now!

he may not want to go because it's the baby's first christmas but what if he leaves it longer and something serious happens on christmas day??

there are many serious and even fatal complications that come with having crohn's whether your flaring or in remission. the fact that this has come on so suddenly is worrying, please go asap.
all the best, hannah.
Agree with the comments above. If he will not go, keep him drinking warm herbal teas...will help warm the bowels and perhaps help him move. VERY important NOT to drink cold drinks right now, as that can constrict the bowels and cause cramping as well.
You guys are pretty much just backing up my original intentions, I'm so glad we're on the same page and I'm not just over reacting. He's still not doing well, no vomiting yet but lots and lots of pain. I think he's finally reaching his breaking point and realizing how dangerous this could potentially be, hopefully within a few hours we'll go.
Loooong night. We went to the hospital around 9:30pm EST because he couldn't walk straight anymore. Turns out he has a full blockage and needs surgery this morning. The worst of it was the nose tube and the demerol, which apparently he can't handle (he's 6ft and 130lbs, he's a bit on the thin side). Does anyone know of any loopholes that will allow me to stay with him? He pretty much begged me to stay but they kicked me out.
You can ask the doc to allow you to stay, as this may calm him. However, you will be of more use if you can go home and get a good night's sleep. He needs that as well.

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