Well, there's been a couple of rough patches. All in all I'm probably one of the lucky ones. ER waits can be a bit long, besides the times I present with infection symptoms those get you a fast past to the front of the line and 4 days on a ward with high doses of Vanco.
I've had 4.5 major surgeries (the .5 is for the kidney stone I had surgically removed lol). Tons of minor stuff like peg tubes and central lines. There's never really been a long wait and all hospital admissions have been quite good. I've lost track of the times I've been admitted, the longest one was 6 weeks though.
Medications and Tests are all covered. I pay a bit of a deductible on my meds, my private insurance through work covers 80% of it and Abbot picked up the rest of the tab since it was all humira mostly. I'm also on TPN, I have no idea what that stuff costs everything I need gets shipped to my house.
LIke I said, I'm probably one of the lucky ones in a way that everything I need its readily available for me. My GI is pretty good to me and she consults with all the other GI's in the city when she needs help. Like right now. I'm not feeling the greatest because of this stricture I have in my piloris. She's tried to Dialate it twice now and it just won't stay open. We're going to try a thrid time with a different GI. In the mean time she's going to try and get a compassionate release of Stelara from the company and refer me to a GI surgeon just in case.
Sorry long winded. There are for sure horror stories with public health but I've been pretty fortunate, or maybe it's just I'm really sick lol. Who knows.