Severe Pain and Loneliness

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Aug 27, 2009
The joint pain in my hips and back seem to get worse everyday, so in order to try to be an amazing date for my BF yesterday, I took an extra pain pill and drank some wine. :smile:

Unfortunately its been a loooooonnggg time since I had alcohol so Instead of this helping, my pain just kept getting worse as dinner at Red Lobster progressed and we started fighting. The fight progressed to him dropping me off at my apartment and I call my friend hysterically with pain and emotions raring. What a mess.

So I go to the ER, drunk and in so much pain, they had their hands full. They said they'd finally get my pain under control and one of the shooting pains would come and I'd sit straight up and scream. I dont remember much and am still in pain and so tired. Ugh. And my BF "needs space". What guy can deal with all this, idk I'm so lost and guess I am relieved he might be finally giving up on me.

I have great friends tho. And I'm seriously thinking this tylenol with codeine is pretty much worthless. :( I've never done illegal drugs before because I'm such a goodytooshoes but Im seriously considering an alternative today, this is just so exhausting. What would you do?
Ah Bella...I.m so sorry you're going through so much pain.
If it helps any...right now I have the hip pain as well....
and now it has started going down my leg.

I'm sure your doctor can give you something stronger.
I know mine offered me Percacet (sp?)...but I opted for Tylenol 3's.

Right now I am wishing I had taken him up on the offer
of a stronger drug.

You hang in there and if you feel the need for something stronger
please ask your doctor.
I hope you feel better soon Bella :(
I would try to call your doctor for a better prescription to help with your pain today. I never tried any illegal drugs either but I know that thought that comes to mind when you are at your worst in pain and wonder if now is one of the times when you should. Dont its not worth it. I would just make that call to the doctor and try to get some rest. Everything else with the boyfriend will work itself out if he is the right one for you.
Hi Bella, my it is hard to believe you are are on all those medications and no relief! It is scary to think your bf could be sick of it but you still need to look after you ok? You are the most important person. I hate Percocets but hard to get them here, too much abuse of them lately and my doc doesnt like to give them out but Tylenol 3s help me, I hate taking them cause I hate meds all together. Has your doctor ever considered surgery at this point? I know it is not used until the last resort but it could be for you. Just a thought. When is your next Gi appt and where exactly is your pain? Healing prayers for you!
well actually I guess I didnt specify the pain at all, the Crohns is totally getting better - that pain is minor and I'm happy with the way Remicade is working. All this new hip and lowerback pain is killing me, it feels like an icepick stabbing me constantly, sometimes it shoots up my back into my shoulder bones, sometimes it shoots down my knees - Its completely unpredictable and awful. The GI is convinced this has nothing to do with Remicade or Crohns and insists I see a rheum doc, which is scheduled for Friday. I just have to tough things out til then I guess, gosh every hour is so slow lol, I never knew this could happen. Oh and no, Surgery has not even been mentioned.

Thanks ladies for listening and responding, it means a lot that you are here and understanding. You're right I'm just not sure if this pain is worth all that sacrifice, idk.
I'd go with the others on the pain relief: go see your GP. Mine has previously given me codeine tramadol and meptazinol, of which only the codeine gave me some relief without horrible side effects. I'd discounted patches as they seemed like 'admitting defeat', or excessive. But now I have a low dose buprenorphine patch quality of life is so much better. Please don't wait in agony for the rheumy appointment if you can get to a doc over the weekend or monday do so!
I get hip pain too and underneath my right shoulder blade feels like there is a meathook in it 80% of the time.
You are lucky to have something at least. My ******* GI doc seems to think it isn't important.
I know your pain! Hang in there and hopefully you can find something that works.
hi Bella.. try not to get despondent.. i agree with Jenn and Jettalady that if your boyfriend is the one for you, then he will pass this test. maybe he does just need some time to figure things out, but whatever he decides, you still need to realise that the most important person in all this is you..

regarding the pain.. i agree that illegal drugs are not the way to go - there are so many other options out there like stronger painkillers, tens machines, alternative therapies such as massage, acupuncture etc.. do you have a pain mangement clinic nearby?

and i know what you mean about alcohol affecting you like that... i hardly drink these days, but when i do, just one glass or one beer and i'm feeling really drunk. i don't get 'fighty' tho, i just get giggly then sleepy lol
I know your pain!! The stupid ER let me go and I went 3 weeks with a dislocated hip. Pain was everywhere!!! I just had my hip put back in place yesterday.
I suggest you get an MRI as soon as possible because what you have explained is nerve pain. Something in your hip is pressing on your nerves.
Demand an MRI!
Here is my whole ordeal
I really feel for you, that pain is terrible!!
By the sounds of it I would guess it is the Remicade - I had terrible joint pain and every joint including my hips ached so bad I could barely walk - I have been off the Remicade for 8 weeks and I have NO PAIN! I am now on Cimzia which is slowly kicking in and I unfortunately had a flare changing from the Remi to the Cimzia but there is no joint pain and I have cancelled my appointment with the arthritis doc. A bit of pot helped with the pain when it got really bad - have you tired smoking a joint for the joint pain? lol Just trying to help as you mentioned how desperate you are and I know how that desperation feels ...
It does sound nerve related, to reiterate, because obviously no bone, muscle or joint is in your back, hip and shoulder, and I think you'll have to check on the ideas for the pain with just a good bit of reasoning. Don't go overboard, as you don't want to kill a fly with a grenade, but you want to be comfortable until that appt. later.

And as was said also, if he's the guy for you, he'll tough it out, there are guys who will brave thick and thin for a woman and if he's one it will happen.

Feel better, do anything to distract your mind from the pain, and probably lay down while you're at it.

Hiya Bella, I sure hope that you are feeling better soon. Just to echo some of my friends above, go see your doc. You need to self-advocate sometimes until you get them to put aside their egos or preconceptions and just listen. Many docs have a preconception that when people go into their offices complaining of pain, that they are simply med-seeking. That poses a big barrier for those of us in agony. I have struggled a bit with getting docs to listen and have tried each extreme of the spectrum. I have offered to help the doc to be better able to empathize with the pain by grabbing his gut and just holding on for a while. I have also gone the route of writing out my symptoms and frustrations on a note for the doc to review before the actual appointment.

As much as I really wanted to try the first option, I think it really did help for the docs to review my stuff on paper before they saw me. This gives you some control and sets up a chance to go through the challenges you are having one by one.

I find that if I am in pain and/or upset I am not (ahem...) as clearheaded or as able to process my thoughts while in the office as I am on paper ahead of time. I really hope that you are feeling better soon!
Well I ended up spending the afternoon at a friends house yesterday trying for the first time ever to smoke a joint to help the pain (im sorry if i get booted for this) but it seemed to me just as worthless as the pain meds though I was a little goofier and was nice to hang out with old friends :)

I ended up going back to the ER last night, he prescirbed me some hefty vicodin to get me through the week until I see the Rheum doctor. I begged for an MRI but appparently unless ur dying, insurnace wont cover that test if its ordered from an ER doc. Another doc has to order it,so he released me.

So I'll just chill for the week with my pain meds and babying my body til I see the right doc then I guess. Thank you guys so much for your support and ideas :) Cheers to meeting new awesome people through all this!
Well hopefully your pain meds will allow you some comfort. I would beg for an MRI because I (ignorant as I am) believe you have some nerve pressure, somewhere.
In any case, whatever it is, I hope they find and cure it very soon!
Yay so I'm finally all stocked up on Vicodin to last awhile!! Thank you so much for the kind words :). I have a MRI scheduled for 1st thing friday morning, followed by a rheum appt then a follow-up appt with spine doc on the 18th. The urgent care facility today was so nice and knows the pain is coming from the SI joint....whatever that means i dont care i dont feel pain now yay LOL!!! Ah anyways i'll keep you posted on what the heck is happening as time goes incase anyone else has the same reactions - much love to you guys - goodnight
Yup, here's some info:

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

What is the Sacroiliac Joint?
The Sacroiliac joints are located at the very bottom of the back. You have one either side of the spine. The Sacroiliac joints help make up the rear part of the pelvic girdle and sit between the sacrum (vertebrae S1-S5) and the Ilia (hip bones).

The function of the SI joints is to allow torsional or twisting movements when we move our legs. The legs act like long levers and without the sacroiliac joints and the pubic symphesis (at the front of the pelvis) which allow these small movements, the pelvis would be at higher risk of a fracture.

The concept of the SIJ causing lower back pain is now pretty well understood. However, due to the complex anatomy and movement patterns at the joints and area in general, evaluation and treatment of sacroiliac dysfunctions is still controversial.

SIJ dysfunction is a term which is commonly used when talking about sacroiliac injuries. This dysfunction refers to either hypo or hyper mobility (low or high respectively). Or in other words, the join can become 'locked' or be too mobile. This can then lead to problems with surrounding structures such as ligaments (e.g. Iliolumbar ligament) and muscles, which means SIJ problems can cause a wide range of symptoms throughout the lower back and buttocks, or even the thigh or groin.

What are the Symptoms of SI Joint Injury?
Pain located either to the left or right of your lower back. The pain can range from an ache to a sharp pain which can restrict movement.
The pain may radiate out into your buttocks and low back and will often radiate to the front into the groin. Occasionally it is responsible for pain in the testicles among males.
Occasionally there may be referred pain into the lower limb which can be mistaken for sciatica.
Classic symptoms are difficulty turning over in bed, struggling to put on shoes and socks and pain getting your legs in and out of the car.
Stiffness in the lower back when getting up after sitting for long periods and when getting up from bed in the morning.
Aching to one side of your lower back when driving long distances.
There may be tenderness on palpating the ligaments which surround the joint.
Causes of Sacroiliac Pain
Causes of Sacroiliac joint pain can be split into four categories:

Inflammatory joint disease

Gosh I hope it gets sorted as must be VERY uncomfortable!
bella_sky said:
Yay so I'm finally all stocked up on Vicodin to last awhile!! Thank you so much for the kind words :). I have a MRI scheduled for 1st thing friday morning, followed by a rheum appt then a follow-up appt with spine doc on the 18th. The urgent care facility today was so nice and knows the pain is coming from the SI joint....whatever that means i dont care i dont feel pain now yay LOL!!! Ah anyways i'll keep you posted on what the heck is happening as time goes incase anyone else has the same reactions - much love to you guys - goodnight

Sounds great, now all you have to do is tell us what your appts tell you! No one should have to feel pain.
YAY Bella. I think that MRI will give you some great insight! I know all about nerve pain so feel free to email or PM me anytime!
The SI joint is causing pressure on the SI nerve which can cause pain in a lot of places.
Hi Bella...
Be forceful with your doc. I hate it when people suffer and you hear excuses by docs for not getting the right tests ordered.

My mom had pain in her SJ and it can be excruciating - she did find that heating pads and hot baths helped a bit. But, keep us posted on the MRI.