After muddling through 40 years of "IBS" I recently had multiple scopes to locate the cause of PR bleeding. Last procedure was a Pill Cam - it got stuck against an obstruction that appeared to be an ulcer. Emergency surgery (open) followed and half my small intestine and quarter of my large intestine were removed - apparently Crohns. After a couple of days of post op hell, I started on a fluid, then full diet, but could only eat a few mouthfuls at a time. Since coming home I been plagued by caustic diahorrea (12 times a day) upset stomach etc. and OMG! haemorrhoids and pain like you wouldn't believe after going to the toilet. I was prescribed Questran 3 times a day and this worked except for uncomfortable, violent flatulance. This was reduced to once a day with 1 Immodium and 1/2 codiene morning and night to slow down peristalsis. I have good and bad days, but don't seem to be moving forward. Any tips - especially for rectal pain?:yrolleyes: