Should I be concerned!?!

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Oct 4, 2010
So I been out of hospital for like 3 weeks now and yesterday night I had well not really consider it diarrhea but not together per say... and umm well i thought nothing of it but I just had a BM and it was same but a like very faint very small amount of blood on tissue paper I am going to get my next dose of remicade wednesday I have like pain on scale of one - ten at a one but I don't want to be back to hospital I been eating a really low residue diet, I binged one day and had some like tomatoes could this be the cause!?! should I be paranoid?
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When did you eat the tomatoes? If it was the day before then they could be the cause, if it was a few days it's less likely. As for the blood, if it's bright red and on the paper rather than the stool chances are it's hemmies or something. Bleeding from higher up tends to be darker and in the stool. But I would mention it when you go for the remicade just to be on the safe side.
Small amount like how much are we talkin' here? Do you think by chance it could be a cut from irritation? That happens to me a lot but I'm also sore there as well.
I agree, sounds alot like a hemorrhoid. I have a couple of those upleasant boogers. Still worth mentioning to the doc. He'll best know how to treat yours.
I always get paranoid when I get out from the hospital. Every ache, pain and bm--puts me in a fright! Try to remain calm...Good luck...Sue
Hey scaredy cat, dont be so hard on yourself! I saw blood once but it was mixed in the mucous and was caused from irritation of a gastro bug I had, mix that with a spastic colon and bingo, blood :eek: After I was hospitalized last Feb for the bug (was vomiting and dehydrated and potassium dangerously low) I never had blood again. Like others have said red blood could be from straining , or a hemmie. The blood to worry about is dark almost black blood. If you are still concerned and continues, "go to the doctor". :hang:
ahaha! thank you! I will I just had bm right now and has that pinkish on toilet paper again also like a very small clump of red in stool but it was regular bowel movement. just got my remicade today as well so hopefully all is well will keep posted!

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