Peytons Mom,
Don't be nervous. The staff in the infusion floors are sooo ready for this. They are quick on their feet. I was a bit shook up, but it all got back to normal quickly. Here's what happened: He had his reaction on his 3rd infusion. It was about 15 min in. He started to clear his throat. Then a bit more often. I looked at him and he said, "I'm fine". Then he cleared it again. I read somewhere that that is something to listen and look for, so I ran to get a nurse just in case. When we got back his face was red and he looked scared. They worked so quickly, room full of people, and the first thing they did was disconnect the IV. Then they gave him strong dose of benedryl into the IV port. They held oxygen up to his nose and hooked up oxygen thing on his finger and a blood pressure cuff. Within minutes he was breathing fine with the oxygen blowing on him. His oxygen levels took about 10-15 minutes to get back into the 90's with his own breathing, but the nurses said it usually does not take 10 min or more. They just kept the oxygen under his nose for longer. They kept talking to him...yet he was real groggy from the big dose of benedryl. (Added to the benedry I had given him by mouth prior to the infusion!) After 3 days they wanted to try it again...but at even a slower rate. After 5 min of the Remicade IV my son said his throat felt itchy. They put the thing on his finger and his O2levels were down again. So this time Brian knew what it felt like and caught it early. He needed no oxygen this time. He recovered fine after both. Had NO problems at home. NO rashes, etc. They had me do benedryl around the clock after the first time, just in case he'd have any residual effect, but he was fine. Brian has since said, "I could breath a little, it was just like my throat was being squeezed". Again, Don't worry, it may not happen at all. It's rare...I think 10%. Remember, it must've not been too horrifying to him since he tried it again just 3 days later! (He really wanted the Remicade to work) 3 days after that he did loading dose of Humira. These crohn's kids are tough!