My DD is flaring right now we don't know if it is c diff yet. Awaiting tests results. She has a lot of gas and loses blood when this happens. Also when having a bowel movement. I took her in for blood work and the test we have got are good so far. White count was a little high. She was being weened off predelisone when the blood started. Still waiting on cultures and c diff results. There is so much blood. I think i am doing the right thing by keeping her home. I am a train wreck though, I am not feeling good my other DD is sick. Had to make DH stay home from work. I am so scared. I hope we get some answers today. :sign0085: I didn't sleep all night long. I have so much to do. We just moved into a new house, cannot find anything. Worried about the c diff so am bleach bathroom and hand washing constantly. I just want her to be able to take her pills and be ok for christmas. I am so scared of having to go into the ER with flu season and all the bugs there. She really doesn't need the complication. My GIs nurse thought she should be in the ER but when I asked her what they would do it was all just blood work and stool samples. I requested we do that out patient. Glad hemoglobin was ok so at least I know she is not bleeding to much. I know to watch for paled face and dizziness. I don't know though how quickly things can change though. They increased her steroid back up from 3ml to 6ml. Hopefully this does the trick.