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Apr 22, 2006
Hey guys, I'm looking for some support right now. I have not been living my life the way I should have been. I have not been exercising or eating properly. I have not really been moving my body as much as I should have been and now I am feeling the consequences. Ever since vacation started I have been feeling bad. I went to the GI last Thursday and and didn't tell him all of my pains and symptoms. I haven't slept much the past few weeks and have gotten terrible headaches. I have been going to the bathroom several times a day with solid stool but because it is solid, my butt has been feeling worse and worse. Today I had a few drops of blood in my poop. I think I am constipated because my stool is extremely sticky and I have to push really hard to get it out. Sometimes my stool comes out and just hangs until I eventually can shake it off. I think I am dehydrated as well. I don't know what's going on right now but I'm calling the doctor in the morning.

Thanks for listening and I hope everyone sleeps better than me.

Hope you all are feeling well
Hey guys I just got prescribed flagyl and if I don't feel a little better tomorrow then I am most likely going to be going on prednisone. I am starting to freak out a little but because I don't know if I am going to be able to go through the flagyl treatment. The taste always makes me gag and if I have to go on it for as long as I had to last time, about 3 months, I am so nervous I won't be able to finish treatment. I'm also afraid of taking prednisone at school and going through all of those stupid side effects.
The dehydration can be resolved easy enough. If you are going to drink something, you might as well drink something that can help. I drink Green Tea and Cherry Pomegranate Juice every day. Avoid any soda. Lemonade has always helped me with digestion when things were rough.

I have no advice as far as the meds go. I think you need to get back on track with some kind of logical treatment routine.

Hope you improve soon.

Dan Bergman
hey jeff man sorry to hear you're having a rough time atm. if you're having trouble sleeping you can give some melatonin a try. i'm sure you know about the effects it has since you posted about the Chemist who says it could work for crohn's disease. it has helped alot of people and could possibly help you to sleep a little better too. you can get the 1mg tabs from Walgreens for like $5 or something pretty inexpensive. if you're on immunosuppressants i wouldn't do it though. might help you from having to go on the evil prednisone.

best wishes dude.
Yeah, Jeff.. Hope things turn around for you real soon. You NEED to stay on top of this. don't let things slide, it'll only make matters worse. One of the things that I found is my doc's were always recommending Gator ade... but in checking labels, I found that it was higher in sugars (3% higher) than lemon ade, much higher in sodium (9%), had no vitamin C, had 2% potasium (sp?) plus some calcium (but I don't know if one could absorb this w/o other vitamins) Anyway, long story short, something as simple as lemon ade will help with the dehydration... and if you can go the taste, gator ade will help restore essential salts, etc.. As for slow moving bowels, perhaps too solid, or maybe too little fibre in your diet (but with evidence of blood, they say to avoid adding fibre). I sometimes slow down, but when I do, I simply switch to more liquids in my diet

anyway, you know yourself that when things start to turn bad, you can't just turn away and ignore it. you have to eat right, get your rest, exercise and most of all tell your doc all of your symptoms. you can't keep a dr in the dark. I know you know all this.. just like the rest of us sometimes, one gets the whole "i'm tired of this disease, and I don't feel like playing this game anymore" Well, we all know that unfortunately that only makes matters worse. If you ignore it, this damned disease will just escalate until you can't ignore it any longer, OK?

Take care of yourself. Better days ahead for all of us in 2008. keep the faith!!!
Thanks guys for the replies. I'm in the process of fixing myself right now. I'm taking it easy and taking my medicines. I am just nervous about if I have to take prednisone. One funny thing though is that last night I had my first dose of flagyl and for once it didn't have a taste. During the night although I couldn't sleep I had some strange stuff coming out of my body. I could see some of the bacteria coming out of my body. I'm taking probiotics right now so I can get my intestinal tract back to normal as soon as possible.

Thanks again
I never really noticed the taste with Flagyl unless it got stuck in my throat partly. I would swallow it down quick with a lot of water and only barely tasted it. Hope you can take advantage or your time off to get well before school starts back up. Maybe you can get well enough, where if they do put you on prednisone, it would be a lower dose and hopefully without all the side effects.
Thanks for the reply. I learned how to take flagyl now. I drink it down with milk but the secret is that you have to take a sip of milk first and then take the flagyl. I know this won't work for those lactose intolerant but those who are not this is definitely the way to take it. You still have to take it quick though.

I don't think I am going to be going on pred now but I have to call the doctor tomorrow to see.