Sing me to sleep

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May 27, 2009
Sing me to sleep
sing me to sleep
i'm tired and I
I want to go to bed
sing to me
sing to me
and then leave me alone
dont try to wake me in the morning
for i will be gone
dont feel bad for me
i want you to know
deep in the cell of my heart
i really
want to go
there is a better world
there is another world
oh there must be
there must be. The Smiths
Great band.

This is one of the saddest songs I've ever heard. Yet, they remain one of my all time favorite bands.
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Yes i guess it is, having a really bad time today, lots of pain while at work, mental fog, fatigue, and I dropped my transmission on the way home. cant get to work without a friggin car and dont know when i will be able to pay for it as every cent is going to the house for the next 5mos to try to keep it. I feel so inadequate and weak. I used to be so strong and now i feel like a little old man in strength and spirit. Failure seems to be my shadows spirit watching and waiting. I hurt so friggin bad today. i am losing my biggest fight and I cant bear the thought of letting down my wife and kids. I love them all so much. My wife is such a strong and beautiful person, she is my best friend. My children are my lifes purpose. they are such bright beautiful lights so strong and someday when they have grown they will all make their mark on this world.

They deserve a stronger man a healthy man who will not weaken for anything. When this all first started i had really just believed that i had some sort of cancer and would die. I asked my wife to buy life insurance so that they would all be ok. I figured that if i hit a bridge abuttment that at least they would all be ok and be able to keep the house.

We have been getting mail from vultures companies regarding "help" with avoiding repossession. One of the boys went to get the mail and read it. He was so upset, I had to lie to him and tell him it was a mistake.. I lied to him....lied to my boy and told him it was a mistake. My wife had called twice previously to have us removed from their list and was actually nice about it.

I was not, I called the number asked for the name on the card and when he was not available I told the person to please pass on to him that if i received one more card from him or anyone from his agency, that i would personally drive up to his office. I asked the staff to read back the message and actually left my name and number if he was at all unclear as to the message.

it is all just too much i feel broken
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I am sorry to hear how hard things are for you right now. I'm sure the stress from the house isn't helping your symptoms right now. This is a hard disease to deal with, mostly the stinkin fatigue. When I'm down I try to think about things I'm thankful for (I know I'm a bit of a Pollyanna) but it helps. It sounds like you have a precious family that loves you very much...Your not alone with this disease or the situation with your home. I hope you can get things sorted out soon.
Yo football buddy,
Hang in there man. Don't give up. Sending strong thoughts your way. If you need a mate to beat up on those sissies, give me a holler.

Are you ready for opening day?
The love and dedication you give to your family means more than possessions. You being there and loving them counts for more than your ability to provide for them. Hang on! one battle at a time. one step at a time.
Hey Jerman,

I can say with all my heart, I understand. I know how it feels to get served with a foreclosure complaint. Why? I became the same way that you've been feeling when you posted. You and me have a common problem which has no known cure, and which can make any tomorrow a painful, drawn-out, can't sleep but eyes can't stay open, busted tie-rod, and puddles of tranny fluid in anyone's driveway where you stop, type of day.

I understand how you feel. I used to be able to climb stairs - just one little ordinary thing I took for granted. One fine day, my ankle got swollen and I couldn't walk. Now after a cast, and a brace, I only wish I could climb stairs, or use a treadmill, or feel that "runner's high" like I used to be able to do. My version of Crohn's seems to go after all the left leg joints, a shoulder, fingers and toes with that EIM arthritis. I only get a brief warning - a rush to the toilet, then it's all over, the day is shot and I can't do anything sometimes but lay on the bed with a pillow against my gut. If my gut is sick, my joints are swollen and sore, sometimes it's very hard to walk.

I cry on some of those days. I say it out loud through tears "I have Crohn's Disease and I can't go to work" and cry some more. I used to want to stay home from work to play hookie and just enjoy the sunshine. But now I cry because I want to go work and feel useful. When the sun is bright and the day is beautiful, I get the same reminders that you get. We have this disease and it's turned our worlds upside down - sometimes to the point where we can't even recognize it. I can totally relate to feeling weak and useless to the world.

We've changed. Our body's physiology has taken a deviation. Our lives have changed. Even though I've been only recently diagnosed, I know that I will be facing major changes in my life because of this disease. I watched it happen to my girlfriend. I wondered why she just couldn't walk downstairs to do a load of laundry. Simple thing, right? Do it while your on your way to the kitchen.

Well one day last week, I stared at a growing pile of dirty clothes that was in my bedroom. I was in pain and fatigued. I looked at that load and just said I'm too sick to go up and down stairs. That day, my question about my girl was answered. She was too fatigued to do her laundry.

These changes in most of our lives are ineveitable, and for most of us, we can't turn back. We can't "return" this disease. We acquire a lifelong "companion" with Crohn's.

But I'm gonna disagree with you on one point. Your wife and family do deserve you. You're a man with a disease, probablay a very loving husband and father. That is a gift for you, esepcially if they support you with this chronic and disabling condition (at times).

My lady-friend was married to a man who told her he could not deal with living with someone with a chronic illness. It wasn't in his "deal". He didn't sign up for a spouse who would later become sick with the same disease you and me have. That was harsh - way too harsh for a loving and caring person, attractive and desireable, loyal and supportive to the end.

I'm sure you never would have developed Crohn's if you had any choice in the matter. You and me are different from many others, but different doesn't mean defective, or less of a person.

Like someone else replied, you are not alone. God bless.
imisspopcorn said:
I am sorry to hear how hard things are for you right now. I'm sure the stress from the house isn't helping your symptoms right now. This is a hard disease to deal with, mostly the stinkin fatigue. When I'm down I try to think about things I'm thankful for (I know I'm a bit of a Pollyanna) but it helps. It sounds like you have a precious family that loves you very much...Your not alone with this disease or the situation with your home. I hope you can get things sorted out soon.

Thanks misspopcorn, you are right the fatigue can be awful and then that in turn wears on your psyche a bit. Good advice, I only need to look at my family to see why to keep at it.
fenway1971 said:
Yo football buddy,
Hang in there man. Don't give up. Sending strong thoughts your way. If you need a mate to beat up on those sissies, give me a holler.

Are you ready for opening day?

Thanks Fenway appreciate the strong thoughts and you offering to assist, could you imagine the combined might of two crohnies, including the pain tolerance, repressed anger .....OOOH we be some badassses!!
kenny said:
The love and dedication you give to your family means more than possessions. You being there and loving them counts for more than your ability to provide for them. Hang on! one battle at a time. one step at a time.

Thanks very much Kenny, I am trying like hell.
Regular Joe said:
Hey Jerman,

I can say with all my heart, I understand. I know how it feels to get served with a foreclosure complaint. Why? I became the same way that you've been feeling when you posted. You and me have a common problem which has no known cure, and which can make any tomorrow a painful, drawn-out, can't sleep but eyes can't stay open, busted tie-rod, and puddles of tranny fluid in anyone's driveway where you stop, type of day.

I understand how you feel. I used to be able to climb stairs - just one little ordinary thing I took for granted. One fine day, my ankle got swollen and I couldn't walk. Now after a cast, and a brace, I only wish I could climb stairs, or use a treadmill, or feel that "runner's high" like I used to be able to do. My version of Crohn's seems to go after all the left leg joints, a shoulder, fingers and toes with that EIM arthritis. I only get a brief warning - a rush to the toilet, then it's all over, the day is shot and I can't do anything sometimes but lay on the bed with a pillow against my gut. If my gut is sick, my joints are swollen and sore, sometimes it's very hard to walk.

I cry on some of those days. I say it out loud through tears "I have Crohn's Disease and I can't go to work" and cry some more. I used to want to stay home from work to play hookie and just enjoy the sunshine. But now I cry because I want to go work and feel useful. When the sun is bright and the day is beautiful, I get the same reminders that you get. We have this disease and it's turned our worlds upside down - sometimes to the point where we can't even recognize it. I can totally relate to feeling weak and useless to the world.

We've changed. Our body's physiology has taken a deviation. Our lives have changed. Even though I've been only recently diagnosed, I know that I will be facing major changes in my life because of this disease. I watched it happen to my girlfriend. I wondered why she just couldn't walk downstairs to do a load of laundry. Simple thing, right? Do it while your on your way to the kitchen.

Well one day last week, I stared at a growing pile of dirty clothes that was in my bedroom. I was in pain and fatigued. I looked at that load and just said I'm too sick to go up and down stairs. That day, my question about my girl was answered. She was too fatigued to do her laundry.

These changes in most of our lives are ineveitable, and for most of us, we can't turn back. We can't "return" this disease. We acquire a lifelong "companion" with Crohn's.

But I'm gonna disagree with you on one point. Your wife and family do deserve you. You're a man with a disease, probablay a very loving husband and father. That is a gift for you, esepcially if they support you with this chronic and disabling condition (at times).

My lady-friend was married to a man who told her he could not deal with living with someone with a chronic illness. It wasn't in his "deal". He didn't sign up for a spouse who would later become sick with the same disease you and me have. That was harsh - way too harsh for a loving and caring person, attractive and desireable, loyal and supportive to the end.

I'm sure you never would have developed Crohn's if you had any choice in the matter. You and me are different from many others, but different doesn't mean defective, or less of a person.

Like someone else replied, you are not alone. God bless.

Joe, thanks for sharing your story and welcome to the forum! You are right, we seem to be in the same boat. My wife too has a chronic illness, recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and struggles mightily. It makes for double the challenge for sure but we are so lucky to have such strong partners.

She and I have been through sooooooooooooo much together that we truly do not sweat the small stuff, which is a gift in itself. Also, Joe REAL men do cry! I too have had many of those days where it seemed that was all that I did was cry. It takes a much stronger man to be able to show emotions than not.
Jerman said:
Thanks Fenway appreciate the strong thoughts and you offering to assist, could you imagine the combined might of two crohnies, including the pain tolerance, repressed anger .....OOOH we be some badassses!!

LOL. We'd just show up and crap like maniacs on his doorstep. Never mess with two angry crohnies. We be badass! LOL.
fenway1971 said:
LOL. We'd just show up and crap like maniacs on his doorstep. Never mess with two angry crohnies. We be badass! LOL.

lmfao!!!! that was friggin hysterical. are you ready for gameday? Hows the workout thing going?
I'm ready for tomorrow. Can't wait. Have you bought a Sanchez jersey yet?

I lost a few days this week (sick and then had kidney stone). Better now and resuming this afternoon.
fenway1971 said:
I'm ready for tomorrow. Can't wait. Have you bought a Sanchez jersey yet?

I lost a few days this week (sick and then had kidney stone). Better now and resuming this afternoon.

I am sooooo pumped for this game, I even love the trash talk between the teams!
I am glad you are feeling better bud, good luck with your team. I really hope that nothing crazy like Coach Bellacheat just spontaneously combusting just after kick off.

I don't have a Sanchez jersey yet, it is definately on my wish list but it is a tough find here in Pats land. The jets jerseys i do have are a pennington and a Curtis Martin. I would wear Sanchez for sure and I love Kerry Rhodes and the way he plays the game too.