Sleepwalking UC kid

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Jan 18, 2012
Anyone else have an issue with sleepwalking children? Specifically those on 6mp?
Matt was very grumpy....miserable for two days and then last night ended up in our bedroom at 4am...sitting next to our bed. I was sure he was going to tell us he was sick or his stomach hurt ...but instead he just stared. When we asked him why he came in and left his room he was disoriented and confused...clearly not aware....after we roused him and appeared to have him awake...he was argumentative...demanding we leave him alone and let him go to sleep.
I would normally pass this off as a slightly humorous sleepwalk ....but with a reduced WBC count due to 6mp I can't help but worry that maybe some thing is off?? Any one have similar experience? Suggestions?
Is his white count down? Claire took 6MP for a couple of years - no sleep disturbances. Hopefully it's a one-time thing??? If he repeats, it warrants just giving the doc a heads up.

The other thought I have - and it's just a thought - is that these kids go trough so much. His brain may have just been "going" after he went to sleeP. or if he's stressed about being ill perhaps that contributed........

Keep us posted!

OMGosh! I totally forgot about it but yes O was sleepwalking in the hospital. She wasn't on 6mp though. The first time, I was taking a shower and she got up, unplugged her IV and start walking down the hall. Some patient care assistant found her and brought her back. She said when she asked her where she was going she said she had to take care of the babies...the babies needed her. She was still in that sleepy fog, dazed and confused when they brought her back. It happened a couple more times after that but only in the hospital. Doc just said "hmmm". Hasn't happened since so I would buy azmom's theory that just a lot going on in their brains but I would watch and mention it to doc if it happens again.
Same here as Mom2One! R has sleepwalked for about 7 years now and it is ALWAYS related to stress. Health can be a stressor, so maybe that's why. R never sleepwalked until we moved. The move (which he did not want) triggered it.
My kids are on Aza but have never had issues with sleep walking whilst on it.

BUT, a few years ago when my son was going through a stressful time he did have a few episodes of sleepwalking just as you are describing! It use to scare the bejesus out of me! Isn't it amazing how even when you are asleep you can sense someone. Sure enough I would slowly crack one eye open and there he would be standing next to the bed staring!

I hope this is just a one off and all settles for your boy. :)

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx