Smoking and Crohns

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Jan 21, 2010
smoking and Crohns

Hi bosom bowel buddies!

Maybe you've talked about this in the past, but I'm intrigued as wot people think !
I've mentioned it on a few posts, so Penny helped me to start a new thread, thanks Pen.
Last week I saw some random locum at the clinic and we started to chat about smoking. I smoke about 10-15 a day and he said that it was my fault that I got Crohns and that I brought it all on myself, that I would eventually die of bowel cancer and that he had no sympathy for me! That it was a well known fact that smoking exacerbates Crohns and to stop smoking will reduce my symptoms and probably cure it!?!?
Now I know that a lot of you guys probably dont smoke so thats not how you became a crohnie! I also know that Crohns is contacted either bacterially or virally!
To say I left a little bit disgruntled is an understatement, He still had his bollocks, only just!
For me, I'm an addict, and at the moment, if I dont smoke a cig, I eat with the Pred munchies! It also calms my anxieties and helps to calm me, and I know it's unhealthy and disgusting but...
Wot say you?
Joan xx
I've never smoked a day in my life...that guy was full of crap! Some people are just ignorant....
What caused crohn's is one of those great mysteries they are yet to solve. I'm currently doing my undergrad dissertation on crohn's and have spent many hours going through research journals for any light on this matter. so far it's been linked to genes, some bacteria, immune response and environmental factors have also been linked such as smoking and the contraceptive pill in women.

In my personal opinion, I think it's more likely that Crohn's is a genetic factor to which the onset of the disease may be triggered by something such a stress, smoking, microbial infection. It's an interesting subject anyway. I wouldn't say that smoking caused your Crohn's.
Astra - what is a locum?? Is it another word for an idiot? ;) I've never heard that word before. I hope it isn't a word for a medical person - because they are quite opinionated in their presentation!!

I never smoked my entire life until the first year my hubby and I were married. I smoked 1 year - and at the end of that year - I ended up in the hospital with emergent surgery for a perfed bowel. Now - I have had Crohn's type symptoms most of my life- and was always diagnosed with IBS. My disease worsened in my 20's and it definitely hit an all time high with the smoking - but I just didn't put two and two together. I was diagnosed by my GI and she told me I should stop smoking because there seemed to be a link between smoking and worsening of Crohn's - so - like a good girl - I stopped immediately. But...too late - had to have surgery anyway. As an aside to this - there is a link in Chinese medicine between the bowel and the lungs (I believe specifically the colon) - just thought that was strange when I heard that. I will also add that my disease worsened when I was put on the pill in high school.

My understanding is pretty much what Misty said above - that it is a combination of genetics, immune response (whacky immune response) and environmental factors.

To smoke or not to smoke is of course entirely your decision - but for me - it wasn't a hard decision to make. I went from smoking a pack a day to nothing because once she said it made my disease worse - I thought back and could place the onset of my current flare at that time with starting to smoke those darn ciggies!! When a person is diagnosed with a chronic illness - if at all possible - I think they should do everything within their power to help themselves physically - to be as healthy as possible. If smoking helps with your anxiety (as in if you are medicating yourself with cigarettes for another problem) - maybe think about getting on a different medication for the anxiety that won't rot your lungs? My Mom did the Wellbutrin thing and it helped her to finally stop smoking after like 40 years. She still has a weight problem - but it at least helped her to kick the smoking habit. Good luck - I know it is not an easy thing to give up!!
You are welcome Astra, glad I could help, but after what I have to say you might regret it LOL... I used to be a smoker, half a pack a day... on and off since I was a teen. I was told by my first GI, and Dr B said quit smoking the chemicals in it will aggrivate your symptoms... I didnt, I was not a drinker but occasions I would have one. Big mistake, when you are on any kind of meds don't drink, makes you weaker and down the road you will pay for it, so if you are a glass a day drinker, you are putting extra pressure on your liver.

I quit for about 6 years, and started up again and it was due to stress, but... stress and smoking will make it worst! I had a resection and was doing good til I started smoking again. My second surgery I got heavily infected and should NOT have had the resection but 6 months prior the surgery my reg GP was in training for to be an Anaesethiologist (sp) and said you should quit smoking your risk goes higher under the knife. So I quit 6 months before. Then the surgery was a mess and it has been 7 years since... I never went back to smoking either a few years later my hubby quit, and he always says he is so glad he quit.

It affects everyone including your dogs, and cats, or any living thing. It was hard but it made my Crohns pain cut in half. Not to mention my clothes dont wreak or my hair, and not wrinkling to the extreme. I really hope you can does aggrivate it and stress does too. This disease is hard enough to fight without extra foreign toxins. Good luck if you decide, it is up to YOU!
Now you know why he was a Locum Tenon doctor.

There is a connection between smoking and the frequency of Crohn's, but for him to say that is caused your Crohn's would require him to know an what would have happened in an alternate reality, in which you did not smoke. As you mentioned, many people who never smoke also get Crohn's.

He is an idiot for making that statement, and he certainly cannot prove it. Now you know why he is "fill in" doctor. He obviously does not have the people skills needed to maintain a patient base of his own. If stopping smoking cured Crohn's, then people who do not smoke should never have it. This is not really rocket science, and I question his medical skills with such patently false statements.

Smoking is not good for you by any means, but it is not the root of all evil either.

If you go at it from the perspective of Epidemiology it does have a Hugely significant cultural factor. But that does not justify the guys position. "Bringing it on ourselves" would be more akin to saying that by being part of Modern Western culture we brought it on ourselves. By eating what everyone else ate and doing what everyone else did we are somehow guilty.
That would be like me blaming my mom and dad for Crohn's because they both smoked when I was a kid.....I never smoked and rarely drank, I still have this disease....It's a load of horse crap! The doc is very insensitive.....

Do your best to cut down on the cigs until you are ready to give them up completely. That's all you can do until you are ready.
Erazer, no one can know for sure if you quit would you be better off now? Although you can't rule it out either. You have to be kind to your body, so it will be kind to you ;).
I'm just glad I kicked a 30 year habit last year. Crohn's or no Crohn's.

Incidentally (or maybe coincidentally), quitting really helped me. All I can do is relate my experience, others can judge if they choose.
I used to smoke half a pack a day, but have since cut back drastically. I still have a cig every now and again. I don't notice a problem with it. But for the doc to state your smoking caused your Crohn's is crap!

Cigs are bad for Crohnie's but are supposed to be good for UC.
Hi Astra, I can relate. I smoke and know I shouldn't do it. It is very hard to stop and I have been trying the patches lately but they gave me huge welts on my skin so weren't very successful.

As for it causing Crohn's, noone really knows. Of course we know it is bad for us, but having a doctor with that attitude is NOT helpful. It is not their place to judge, but to help. And blaming you for your health issues is not professional or appropriate. YES he can encourage you to stop, his job is to support you to do that!

Everyone, well mostly, does things that are bad for their health, but some never get sick from it. You hear of 90 year olds who have smoked a pack a day for 70 years and they are still going strong! I guess some of us just get a bum deal in that our bodies can't handle it and rebel by getting sick.

I have had a really bad patch, not so much with Crohn;s as with fatigue, crippling fatigue. My plan is to stop smoking gradually so as not to put too much stress on my body.

I believe that all people do their best and noone gets sick on purpose!
Hi Astra, I can't really give much advice on the whole smoking thing as I don't smoke or drink but I do indeed have crohns. I also haven't been able to find any connections within my family either... Your doc saying that you brought this disease on yourself is absolute BS! I agree smoking probably doesn't help your symptoms and is probably best not to smoke when you are already dealing with something like Crohns but he was way out of line in making that suggestion. Like Shaz suggested he could have supported you and encouraged you to quit. Good luck I hope you don't have to go back to that doctor again.
We are not perfect, and neither was the doctor.

Do the best you can. It is all you can do. It is good enough for everyone else, so it is good enough for you also.

Don't waste time counting your faults, because there are plenty of people doing that for you already.

Smoking is more addictive than heroin! So, if someone has never been addicted to smoking - well, how can they understand how hard it is to quit - it is like trying to explain to people how hard it is having Crohns - if you don't have it - you REALLY can't understand...if you've never been addicted to smoking - shut up because you REALLY don't understand...
Addiciton is not about intelligence - I KNOW smoking is bad for me - I KNOW is makes Crohns worse - I am not a stupid person ..
That doctor sounds stupid and should KNOW that Crohns is not caused my smoking - what an insensitve jerk!
Crohns is definately genetic somehow and then you add the environmental trigger and that is how you get it - he didn't know this? Then he is an idiot...
Erazer said:
Yes, you are most definitely right about that Jett!

.....but human beings seem to like beating themselves up about this or that or just simply live in denial........hence we somehow make excuses for each and every cigarette we smoke fully knowing that every single one is a harmful...........human nature is complicated MUCH.

Don't I know it, it took sooooooooo many times to quit smoking, and they are alot more addictive today then in the 70's and I quit 8 years ago, you have to be aware of it like an alcoholic ...NOT even one! Right now, if I even smell it I would puke! :tongue:
It sounds like you have grounds to complain if he spoke to you in that way. It is true that smoking doesn't help Crohn's. If somebody told me that I "would eventually die of bowel cancer", I would be wanting to have a chat with the practice manager.
Hi everybody!
And thank you soooo much for all your comments, very interesting and helpful.
Peaches, a locum over here is some random bloke off the street, methinks! lol
a locum is a doctor filling in at the clinic, and I didnt go about my Crohns, I went for a HRT check! I probably won't see the knob again! so full of his own self importance, to make up for his little willy! (ha ha not that I saw it, like)
I've made an executive decision!
I have to quit, it's costing a bomb, it stinks, it makes me puke, my kids hate it, it makes my crohns worse, and I think if you smoke it not only goes to your lungs, you must digest it too? so making the Crohns worse, yeah?
I dont drink much alcohol, that really does aggravate my stomach really bad for at least a week after. But we all have vices, and mine is smoking, we are only human after all! Being off work and bored rigid isn't helping either! or Pred munchies!
Wish me luck! (probably won't do it, but I'll try)
Lotsa luv
Joan xx
Mmmm, I'm taking an erasure to that third to the last line Joan!!! (the part in the parenthesis). You had such good momentum going there with what you were saying ;) Merrywidow has this cool thing that counts the days she has quit and it is in her signature line. Not sure where she got it - but maybe it is a program that could help? Whatever help you need - get it - I bet you'll feel so much better. BUT...if you don't quite make it - well, it is a hard habit - maybe over time. GOOD LUCK - and if we can be supportive of you in your endeavor, let us know!
Astra101 said:
Hi everybody!
And thank you soooo much for all your comments, very interesting and helpful.
Peaches, a locum over here is some random bloke off the street, methinks! lol
a locum is a doctor filling in at the clinic, and I didnt go about my Crohns, I went for a HRT check! I probably won't see the knob again! so full of his own self importance, to make up for his little willy! (ha ha not that I saw it, like)
I've made an executive decision!
I have to quit, it's costing a bomb, it stinks, it makes me puke, my kids hate it, it makes my crohns worse, and I think if you smoke it not only goes to your lungs, you must digest it too? so making the Crohns worse, yeah?
I dont drink much alcohol, that really does aggravate my stomach really bad for at least a week after. But we all have vices, and mine is smoking, we are only human after all! Being off work and bored rigid isn't helping either! or Pred munchies!
Wish me luck! (probably won't do it, but I'll try)
Lotsa luv
Joan xx

Joan you are so funny! :ylol2: ... we have to kick our own butts sometimes, but sooner or later we all figure it out. I rarely drink, quit smoking, and the only vice is coffee and I refuse to give it up...Plus me husband would leave me if I stopped coffee :ylol2: Only kidding!
That's a bunch of crap! I have never smoked, and certainly got this cursed disease! That's like saying if you walk in a room full of smokers you will get Crohn's....please
Hey Joan ! I had a doctor say the same ridiculous things to me. I still smoke and find it hard to quit but I don`t have severe adverse affects from smoking which is mostly marijuana but cigarettes also. I hope to quit smoking (cigarettes) for good someday soon and hope you may be able to also, but if you don`t aggravate the Crohn`s too much by smoking it may be better not to quit if you get stressed out. I had the opposite problem as I lost weight when I tried to quit cigs. and the stress was too much to make it worth quiting at those times.
Peaches said:
Astra - what is a locum?? Is it another word for an idiot? ;) I've never heard that word before.
a locum, is a person that takes the place of a doctor that is on hoilday. they are qualified.
smoking and crohns. well i quit in january and havent had any inprovement in my crohns yet. but it may still be too early to tell. i started smoking when i was 9 but soon quit, i got the cane at school!!. then started again when i was 14 and didnt stop until recently. so i have a awful lot of crap to get out of my body.
Hey Van!
I hear you mucker!
and totally agree! I have a very stressful job teaching autistic kids, I smoke to wind down! its no excuse , I know, but it works for me!

Hey Sharon
Well done hun, keep it up, it will be worth it in the long run!
BTW the locum I saw that day was some dick, who is very lucky he's still got his wedding tackle! lol
Peaches said:
Merrywidow has this cool thing that counts the days she has quit and it is in her signature line. Not sure where she got it - but maybe it is a program that could help?

i got it from
To Smoke or not to Smoke? It's a question of pick your sucide, fast or slow... I'll take slow. And as for a judgement call.... Smoke em and be able to drive, think etc. or get something more potent say benzo or opiate and stay on the couch...

I am so sick of freaking winter

misdiagnosed IBS 1997
Diagnosed CD 2001
Now it's F'n c.Diff Colitus

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