So embarrased but need to ask

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Jun 10, 2011
Last night I went to bed around 10:30 and had a bout of diarrhea (nothing new for me) and then was awoken with a huge urgency at 2:00am with another bout of diarrhea, again nothing new. Well, as I was getting out of bed and running to the bathroom I noticed that my bed and I was already covered in diarrhea. I was confused as I knew that I still had to go. As I got to the bathroom, I realized that I was actually covered in dried diarrhea. This is totally gross but I must have had a bowel movement in my sleep without even knowing it. My sheets were all wet and I had to change them and then shower. I was so embarrased as I had to wake my husband to change the sheets. I've had a few small incidents as I've run to the bathroom but this seems extreme to me. Have any of you had this happen before? I was so afraid to go back to sleep in case it happens again. Should I call my doctor? What would cause something like this?
This used to happen to me all of the time when I was in high school, before I was diagnosed. I was up at 3am washing sheets 3 days a week because I didn't want to tell my parents anything~I was so embarrassed.

Obviously I was in an uncontrolled flare, I was too fatigued or my body just couldn't wake me up in time. Talk to your doctor, you may need to readjust your meds if your flares are getting worse.

I know it's terribly embarrassing, so sorry for what you're going through. Good luck, hope you can get it under control soon!
First of all, thanks for sharing. I know you could have enlighten a few people here showing them that it's okay to asks. It's what this forum is for, for everyone to share their experience with regards to the condition.

Anyway, maybe what you should do first is to assess yourself. What did you do before this happened? Are there certain changes to you/your doctor made with regards to your medications? Have you eaten anything? This could help you identify the cause. If not, you should talk about this with your physician.
I am not diagnosed yet so I haven't had any changes to meds yet. My colonscopy showed multiple ulcerations in my terminal ileum and the biopsies showed inflammation throughout my entire colon. My GI doctor wants to meet with the pathologist to see what type of inflammation it is though because I am on multiple meds for my Lupus which possibly could cause inflammation but I have been on them since 2010 and my GI issues started about a year later. I also am showing rare antibodies that are attacking my colon which she isn't sure if this is the causing the inflammation or if it is an IBD. I don't think I ate anything unusual yesterday however I felt much worse last night when I went to bed and my nauseau was much worse. I also had less bowel movements the days leading up to it so I'm not sure. I'm just so upset that I had no idea that it even happened. What if my kids had come in and seen it?:eek2:
Man, My GF would love to talk with your husband.

I'm 38 and I've had accident like that for the last 8 years or so. Everynow and then I'll just empty myself in the bed. My poor GF puts a big human size pillow between us when I am liquid. Just in case. The first few times I was embarrassed but now I can,t control it so it's part of life. My GF must really love me :)

When I am liquid now I abstain from eating just to be safe but that does not always help.

You are not alone with that little problem.

Stay stong and buy lots of sheets :)
This is the first time it ever happened to me where I didnt know about it. I've had times in the past of running to the bathroom and not making it but this freaked me out that it happened and I never even woke up. I only woke up because I had to go again. Is it bad that it makes me feel better to know that it has happened to others? My husband was so good about it but I feel disgusted.
I have had this happen a few times when the D was out of control. My husband never asks why I kick him out of bed and change sheets every now and again. Luckily we have a cal-king bed so he has not gotten anything on him.

You're not alone in this although I know it can feel like you are. My gi always wants to know if I am "going" after I go to bed even if I make it to the bathroom. How are you feeling in general? Have you had middle of the night urgency lately or is this isolated?
I generally am woken up for a middle of the night run at least 2-3 times a week. I feel miserable :(. I generally have water 3-7 times a day along with nauseau, pain, fatigue and dizziness. My life has come to a halt the past few months because of this. I really hope they can figure out what is wrong as this has been going on for over a year but getting worse since December.

Im fortunate that we have a king so it didnt affect him either, aside from me kicking him out of bed;).
Your gi knows that your sleep is disturbed with d in a regular basis? Have they given you anything to help get your d under control? I think this merits a phone call at least. My doc has me on lomotil an welchol for d and combined with the humira it keeps it in check.
She knows it wakes me up on a regular basis. I was on Lomotil for awhile but it stopped working unless I took a huge amount of it. I am supposed to talk with her on Tuesday after she talks with the pathologist about the biopsies to see if she can see what is causing the inflammation. Do u think this warrants a call before then?
I havent tried husks. Would I need to worry about them causing constipation? I know it sounds bizarre but when I take the narcotic painkillers they help the pain but also slow the diarrhea. This in turn also causes me more pain a day later. Does that make sense?
I have never used them... but I expect you could adjust as needed. Only take it when the D is bad and you are not planning to take pain pills perhaps. Or maybe only take them before bed? I think they are like the Welchol in some ways including that you should not take any meds for several hours after because it affects absorbency

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