Hey guys, so I thought I had a diagnosis of CD back in March....so Ive been taking my meds and have had ups and downs....but finally been feeling well. Im not so exhausted everyday....only some days. My fatigue is gettin better, but still suffer some days. So I was totally pumped to go to GI today to hear what the next steps were. I was totally expecting to be taken off some of my meds....well I was expecting wrong!! I feel like screaming my head off at my GI....I have a colonoscopy on Weds, and he said he wants to keep me on all my meds until after the procedure....maybe a few more weeks. WHAT THE F&*K??? Im feeling good, I want my life back.....why?? He said the cscope can send some people into a tailspin and he doesnt want to take me off my meds with a chance of that happening.....and then have to put me back on a higher dose for longer.....WTF??? Does this make sense?? He still is presuming CD.....Im completely lost. I dont understand, I either have it....or I dont. How can I be told I have it, put on all this medication....get better on meds, and then be told thier not sure if I have it?!? Hello people, is this just a guessing game, what in the world is going on? Im so pissed, Im so lost, and Ive just about had it. Before when I got sick, I would take pain pills for a week, sleep all week, and wake up fine.....why cant I do that now?? I mean...this episode has been the worst ever, but come on....the stress of them guessing and telling me one thing, and then telling me they are not sure.....is enough to make me sick. GOSH!! So he is planning on taking a BUNCH of biopsies and then comparing them to my previous biopsies to see what he finds. Im so lost, and frankly think if its all a guesing game, then Im in the wrong profession.....LOL. Sorry for my rant, Im just so over it all. :kissgrits: