So nervous about tomorrow!

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Mar 5, 2012
I'm a southern girl
The good news is S feels well enough to return to school. Yay!! He has decided to leave his NG tube in place. He's left it in the past couple of days and said he'd rather just leave it in versus taking it in and out all the time. I think he's a tad nervous about it too but says he thinks all his friends will understand. He's been outside the past 2 evenings playing with the neighborhood kids and they were curious about it. Once he explained it to them it was business as usual. I'm so hoping that's how it goes at school tomorrow too.

It's going to be a looong day. I'll be as nervous as a cat in room full of rocking chairs!!
Good luck to S tomorrow. I think once the curiosity wears off. No one will pay it no mind. I hope my words ring true!!! Gooo S!!!
V went to school (5th grade) for the first three months with the tube indwelling.
Halloween fell and she got a genie costume that had a face veil that hid it. :rosette1:

Oh and Shelley, when V started back to school she'd already been on EN 30 days at 24hr/day. When at school, she'd get stomach pains sometimes, and have to come home and be hooked up to the pump which alleviated the pain immediately. Don't know if this will apply but just for the info in case he has pain at school.
Oh goodness S sounds so strong and sound !
I'm guessing once off to school it
Will be much of the same response -
No big deal! :)
I so hope so!
Best of luck, and please let
Us know the great results / responses from the classmates ! :)
Sending loads of luck for today! :goodluck::goodluck::goodluck:

With the strength of character your boy has Shelley I bet he will do fab! :)

Dusty. xxx
Good luck - I'm sure it will be fine!! My son managed his first few weeks of high school with the tube and as far as I know no one teased him and he wasn't bothered at all.
His friends will ooh and aah for about five minutes and then they won't even notice. I hope you both have a great day!
Good luck! Great news he is feeling better. Maybe the tube wil sort of be like having a cast ... some good attention for an invisible disease. My older son had to use a wheel chair for a few months at school after a back surgery and he did not mind at all. I think he finally felt like he got some recognition after having invisible pain for so long.
I agree with everyone else :) I think after the initial curious questions of why, how, what..., it'll be a non-event.

So glad he's beginning to feel better! Good luck!!! :)
Thanks for the support everyone!! I could tell he was a little nervous this morning. I told him if he changes his mind or it becomes too much that he can go to the nurse and I will come up and take the tube out. I want him to feel like he has an "out" if he needs it.

Today marks a week on EN! Feels like a real milestone! Oddly enough he was excited about taking a jolly rancher and a piece of gum for lunch :)
I found it so bizarre to give Stephen freezies and candies for lunch, dinner! :eek: When I questioned the dietitien about some of the juices he was allowed, her response was the safest drinks (re fibre) are 'drinks you would normally never give him'! :lol: ie, koolaid, Tang, etc. Of course, then you have to worry about the sugar! :ywow:

For what's it worth... our instructions from the hospital re the 'acceptable' foods also listed that we should avoid gum with sorbital. After researching, I read that it can worsen GI issues. So... after searching every brand of gum (and, I think, I was trying to find a sugarfree gum...), the only brand I found that did not contain sorbital was Juicy Fruit...


I had no idea about the sorbital! Thanks so much for that info...I'll have to look at the gum we have and see if it contains this. What would I do without all you knowledgable people here?!?

S is only allowed hard candy, gum and water. Funny how we're all given different approaches. So far it's working for him and he said he hasn't been hungry very often. With him going to school today it will be longest period of time he's gone without any formula. He may be starving by the time he gets home! I plan on hooking him up as soon as he gets home.

Thanks again for the info!

I found it so bizarre to give Stephen freezies and candies for lunch, dinner! :eek: When I questioned the dietitien about some of the juices he was allowed, her response was the safest drinks (re fibre) are 'drinks you would normally never give him'! :lol: ie, koolaid, Tang, etc. Of course, then you have to worry about the sugar! :ywow:

For what's it worth... our instructions from the hospital re the 'acceptable' foods also listed that we should avoid gum with sorbital. After researching, I read that it can worsen GI issues. So... after searching every brand of gum (and, I think, I was trying to find a sugarfree gum...), the only brand I found that did not contain sorbital was Juicy Fruit...

I always hooked V up as soon as she got home in those early days.
Another thing to note, V (who was allowed food from the jump) ate better WHILE hooked up as the formula aided her dysmotility. If S has dysmotility, he may get hungry while hooked up after some time has passed and he is recovering.
What would I do without all you knowledgable people here?!?

Totally agree!!! This forum has been a Godsend! I'd be lost without everyone here! :) Before I joined, I'd had so many questions (okay, still do :blush:), I'd read a couple of books but they were almost 'generic' and, as many questions as they answered, they often left me with as many new questions! There is so much information here, so many members with so much experience and so many willing to share their knowledge and time, it really is incredible! I can't imagine how I would be feeling and handling Stephen's crohns without all the support and help I've received here!

So, since we're on this topic... Thanks everyone! :)
:ghug: Me too.

Re: the gum, "talking" about dysmotility reminded me that The Saint recommended V chew gum to aid in that. He never mentioned sorbitol. He said chewing without swallowing tricks the gut into speeding up peristalsis, and post-sx pts are given gum to help get the gut moving again.
S had a good day at school!!! He said there were a lot of questions but nobody said anything negative. His friends at lunch said they were very jealous that he had candy and gum to eat. I could tell he liked that :ysmile:.

I'm VERY relieved!!

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