So what veggies are ok?

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Dec 12, 2010
so what veggies are ok?

So, I know everyone is different with what they can and cannot tolerate when flaring. But I was wondering if anyone has been able to tolerate any veggies. If so which ones? Fruits? I miss my fruits and veggies!:frown: How about stuff like juices, ciders, jello? or is the sugar too much? Any tortilla chips or things to quick munch on? I have 3 kids and not always the time to eat even when my stomach is actually growling! Thanks!
well cooked veggies, but avoid all things related to cabbage! I can still do some fruits, apples bananas peaches. canned veggies are ok for me. I eat potato chips and chips and salsa. you might have to experiment a little, see what bothers you in small portions and what does not. like you said, everyone is different and what bothers one, might have no affect on another. not much help is it lol
Yeah they "mushier" stuff seems to be always okay. Also a big reason a lot of fruits are really hard to digest is because of the skins. So a peeled apple may not affect you but a whole one will. Im actually good with most things but the seeds and skins are not great.
I can't really tell a difference with any food except popcorn. I wish I could find a diet connection, but I've tried SCD and the low residue diets and neither one made a difference. I have found that plantain chips have a positive effect, but I'm already tired of them. I take Lialda and a few supplements like turmeric and fish oil when I remember to take them. I have a friend who said that she knows someone with Crohn's who tests each veggie with baby food before eating them in solid form. It might be worth a try.
My personal veggie issues are anything that is high in fiber or from the cabbage family.. the gas creators. I cant do well with any seeds, and peels can mess with me pretty good. I try not to eat any raw veggies anymore, as they are evil in my guts. (I miss salads!)I stick with white bread I do like applesauce, homeade, it keeps more of the good stuff that way.

When in doubt cook the heck out of it try a small portion and see how it goes.

Food cant change the course of your disease, but it can change the symptoms you feel.

When I am in a nasty flare up I go to mushy comfort foods, and stay there. Chicken and dumplings homeade, chicken noodle soup, noodles in general, rice, then when it gets unbearable I go to clear liquids for a few days.
Generally if it has skin on it, I have to remove the skin because the skin can be hard to digest. That includes cucumbers, apples, zucchini, pears, etc. Carrots, corn and nuts are also hard to digest and that goes for anyone even if they don't have Crohn's. Also its easier to digest fruits and veggies if they are steamed first rather than fresh. Steaming instead of boiling at least keeps a little more nutrients. You'll learn what your trigger foods (foods that bring on symptoms) are with time. ;)

Jello and juices have always been fine with me. Pretzels are good for munching and so are many other non fried chips (go for baked instead). I'd stay away from popcorn in general unless it can't be avoided due to its buttery salty awesomeness.
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In a flare, I can only really manage well cooked and peeled carrots, bananas, melon and stewed peeled apples. Now I can also eat onion, parsnip, leek, swede, as long as they are well cooked. And I can eat raw oranges. Peppers are a bit hit and miss because of the skin. I have them occasionally but usually have d the next morning. Juices are a little hit and miss too, I try to mix in water and take it easy.
Thank you so much everyone! I have to have veggies being as I'm gluten and dairy free and also don't eat beef or pork,lol. Sometimes it seems like anything can trigger an upset but I guess that's normal if my insides are all inflammed right? Streaming is a wonderful idea too..I don't know why the heck that didn't click in my brain being as it's how we made the babies foods when he 1st started solids. I wish I liked root veggies, I heard these are best for digestion but yuke!

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