I myself do not have crohns...my 15 year old daughter was just diagnosed with it. She spent 2 weeks at Christmas in the hospital...she threw up 27 times in a 6 hour period. The dr said she has a blockage in her small intestine. He said...and I quote "she is an inigma she only has one sign of crohns soooo Im gonna say its crohns". And that was it. She went on steriods for over a month and puffed up. That didnt help self esteem as she already has an EXTREME self image problem with depression. She did fine over the Summer...then as soon as school started and she got stressed BAM! She started throwign up and spent a night in the hospital. The weird thing is her blood work came back normal...NO INFLAMATION! But she has this huge gas bubble in her tummy that wont move. She is pooping but cant get the gas out. It hurts her. The pain along with her depression is horrible. I cant get her out of bed...my straight A student is now getting F's. I feel so alone. No one will listen to me. She has lost 10 pounds in the last week becasue she is afraid to eat. I dont know what to do. I am on her second GI dr...we have an appointment for a thrid opinion but not till late October. I hate putting all these meds in my kid...meds that could potentially hurt her later in life. She takes 3 pills of pentasa 3 times a day...so NINE! Plus Bental...plus steroids! I hate this!