Soft, sticky stools

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Dec 18, 2009
soft, sticky stools

My D seems to have let up, but now i'm having really soft, sticky stools. they're really hard to pass and pencil skinny.... It feels like i'm trying to pass molasses(sp?), passing just a tiny bit takes a good 10 minutes. Has anyone else had this issue?:poo:
tamesis said:
My D seems to have let up, but now i'm having really soft, sticky stools. they're really hard to pass and pencil skinny.... It feels like i'm trying to pass molasses(sp?), passing just a tiny bit takes a good 10 minutes. Has anyone else had this issue?:poo:

Unfortunately, yes. In fact, that seems to be "normal" for me now. Not so much as the skinny part (although I do get it a lot, too), but the consistency. :(
Yes I do. Because of it I just had a colonoscopy on the 4th to dilate everything. So far I haven't noticed any changed though still a lot of that stuff but no more D. Not sure whats better either although just before my colonoscopy I was getting more solid BMs
yes. Inflammation really seems to mess with the peristalsis. You really have to watch what is going on. I went through a period where a large Abscess was pressing on my rectum making bowel movement very difficult. It also made the colonoscopy very difficult.

brought new meaning to that old McLean and McLean joke. Rectum? Damn near killed em!
I have to laugh Pam. Sorry. But how do you KNOW they are 'sticky' without putting your hands in the toilet! ;)
shazamataz said:
I have to laugh Pam. Sorry. But how do you KNOW they are 'sticky' without putting your hands in the toilet! ;)

Hey man, when you use a roll of toilet paper and it looks like tar, only one can guess. :ylol2:
Sounds like you could be narrowing and mucous is helping it push through. Could be the reason why it is sticky?? Heck even I never check that close!

Well, for one i had to bring in a stool sample today, and trying to clean my sample container was interesting.....And also, as Nessa said, cleaning myself after the fact was a messy job! :)

And lately, i've been pretty obsessed with checking my stools carefully.....That way i can let my doc's know exactly what's going on. :)
I have had long narrow stools since starting Remicade and now Cimzia - the doc. said it is the stricture - the narrowing in the small intestine - beats the D though so I'm not complaining ...
If it's not D for me, it's this.

There are times too when it seems like I'm moving like 70+% mucus too. It's miserable. I feel like I have to go sooooo bad, but the mucus is so hard to push out.
CrohnieCarolyn said:
I have had long narrow stools since starting Remicade and now Cimzia - the doc. said it is the stricture - the narrowing in the small intestine - beats the D though so I'm not complaining ...

I am curious about this as I have narrowing in the small intestine but not narrow poop. Surely it would be narrowing in the colon or rectum that would lead to skinny poop?
I've wondered that too.....makes sense that if it were only in the small intestine things would have had a chance to winden up again in the large intestine
Ok well I have narrowing in the rectum area and where the small/large intestine join. I have had these narrow skinny poops all of my Crohn's life and I have NEVER had a thick one my entire life. I recently had a colonoscopy (Jan 4th) to relieve me of these narrowings and hopefully make my stool easier to pass because I easily spend 30mins plus per trip to the bathroom just about everyday. Since both dilations of my narrowings I have seen no improvement in the size of my poop so I don't know if narrowings are so much the answer to the skinny poops.