Some good news for me!

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Oct 17, 2010
I know haven't posted here in quite some time. It has been a crazy past few months, with tons of Dr.'s appointments and SS appointments.
I applied for SSD two years ago after my 1st resection. I had a very rough recovery, incisional infections, nutritional imbalances, bile acid D, lots of vomiting. It took 6 months for my incision to fully heal. At that time I started gaining a lot of weight in my tummy. It started to hurt all the time. The doctors thought it was a very large cyst on my ovary. I underwent another surgery less than a year after my last surgery to remove the cyst. it turned out that it wasn't a cyst at all, it was my bowel attaching to my ovary and uterus. I had another resection.
This time my recovery was worse. I am not even fully recovered more than a year later. I am still having flares that aren't responding to meds, along with pain from scar tissue and adhesive disease.
I kept getting denied benefits even though they acknowledged that I would not be able to work a traditional job.
In February I had a hearing with an Adminastrative Law Judge. He reviewed my case and approved me with a fully favorable result less than a week later!!
I had to share my good news and hopefully this will encourage anyone who is also fighting for benefits and can't work. :)
Congratulations on your good news... and I am sorry to hear you have had such a difficult time of things :(
Was it a OBGYN who was doing your surgery for the cyst on your ovary? If your bowel attached to your ovary, cant they detach it?? Did they close you up once they realized or did they call in a GI doc to take over?
Weird questions I know but I have worried about the same thing (I am having exploratory surgery on the 5th for what the OBGYN thinks is endometriosis).

congratulations again! I hope that will give you some peace of mind and let you rest a little!!
The decision for surgery was made by my OBGYN, but the surgery itself was done by a general surgeon. They removed the attached pieces of intestine from my uterus and ovary but took my left ovary due to endometriosis scar tissue.
I wish they had sewn me back up and sent me back to my GI, but they went ahead and resected me!
You may want to make your wishes clear before your surgery that if your problems turn out to be Crohn's related you would prefer to have your GI handle it. It didn't occur to me that my problems may be related to Crohn's as I had three doctors insist it was a cyst so I didn't ask them to leave it alone if it wasn't.
General surgeons do the best they can, and the one the one who resected me the first time saved my life (I had a strangulated small bowel obstruction). But if it isn't an emergency it is always better to have your GI handle it, and if you do need surgery he/she would know the best person for the job instead of whomever happens to be there.
Thank you for the congrats, btw! It is a such a relief to know I have time now to rest and not have to worry how I am going to get by. Now I can concentrate on finding some therepy that will work without the stress of not knowing how I will pay my bills.
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