Some Struggling but Still Going Strong

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Jul 17, 2011
Hooray, at last, A temporary way to start a new thread. Thanks Jennifer.

Been feeling really great for so long now and am studying for my third year exams at Uni. Looking forward to getting it done now and getting out. Its been a long hard slog alongside managing Crohns but I seem to have done it...touch wood till end of May. I do feel though that despite all this the stress is slightly winning out and again I will have to take extra care over the next few weeks. Last night and the night before I noticed a mini cramping pain in my stomach that sent alarm bells ringing. I think managing crohns (although brilliant to be able to do of course...its what we all want) can be nearly as tiring. Buying the right foods, checking everything and when things are bad I have to buy Gluten free which is so expensive. Most of the time I chance my arm with normal food as we simply cannot afford Gluten free at present. Fingers crossed I will be able to work from Sept onward. I do like to offer the hope though that things can get better even if only for a while and for break. Keeping fingers crossed that the damn illness wont flair up just when I really need it to behave. Just need to keep going for a little longer.

Hoping all of you are getting to enjoy good days, breaks and remission :)
I'm in uni too and it is hard for sure. Good for you for sticking through it. The stress of exams is worsening my symptoms though. I will be so glad when this semester is over. (Soon!) hugs.
I hear you Frozen Girl. You just have to tell your body to hang in there and keep going and remind it that it hasn't long to go before a lovely long relax. I really hope you can stay well through it all. Got some camomile tea the other day in preparation for the road ahead. Anything to keep anxiety at bay I'll do. Thank you for all your support guys and to everyone on this site. Lets keep fighting.:dance: