A little update for anyone still following.. and a thank you to the input given so far!
I had my initial visit with my new gastro last week. The day of my appointment was a not so good day, which was sadly beneficial so I could be make sure I covered all the symptoms I have been experiencing lately.
I went over all of my history, although my records were still pending being sent from my previous gastro's office. I also told him about my symptoms: fatigue, occasional nausea, daily diarrhea, vomiting a couple times throughout the week on average, increasing sharp pains in lower abdomen on a day to day basis- usually 2-3 days a week, and an increase feeling of bloating under my ribcage and acid reflux.
He gave me a quick physical exam, and sent me on my way with a script of prednisone 30mg for 10 days then I will go back to see him again. He also scheduled me for an upper GI endo in a couple weeks- his soonest opening.
After leaving the appointment I was somewhat concerned that he hadn't ordered more screenings/tests since I told him I havent really had any in at least two years and in the last 3 months my symptoms have returned and have been difficult to deal with at times.
The past couple days I have had severe pain in my lower abdomen and called his office this morning, in which they instructed me to go to the ER as my Dr. was scheduled for procedures all day today. At the ER I began vomiting pretty much nonstop until I received Zofran and morphine for pain. I had bloodwork drawn- which showed almost perfect levels of everything they checked, which i am unsure of what was checked except my bloodcounts. They also did an x-ray of my abdomen which I was told showed nothing. I was sent home with a script of the zofran and percocets for pain.
When I return next week to my gastro for a follow-up I definitely plan on requesting additional blood tests, a colo, ct, and barium/xray.
I have been feeling extremely down during this whole process this last week. I know my body and the pain Ive been feeling and I know theres something definitely going on...
Once again thanks everyone for the advice and support. I've never really been on one of these forums and its comforting hearing from everyone.