Something very wierd happened today...Extreme chest pain..

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Jul 7, 2010
I do not think this is crohns related at all, but...

Today I was laying down after being out all day, I was laying on my left side watching TV. I then went to sit up and I got the most extreme pain in my left chest. It was about right under the left breast not anywhere near my stomach. It lasted about 10seconds but after that if I would breath in whatsoever I received pain in the same location so I would have to breath very shallow. It almost felt like my lungs were pushing on something that caused the pain when I would inhale. It lasted for about an hour then went completely away.

This has never happened to me before. There is a weird thing about my chest however where it happened. My chest on that side is alittle caved in, it's weird, it looks like i'm missing ribs, but it's been like that my whole life and doctors say it's nothing to worry about.

I was looking online and i'm thinking somehow from laying on that side and my ribs being how they are that somehow I bruised my lung a tad, but i'm not sure. Has anyone else ever had something like this happen?
An hour is quite a long time to be in pain and have difficulty breathing. Sounds like a trip to the ol GP is in order (that's what I'd do anyway) especially since you have some sort of pre existing "condition" that you were told shouldn't be an issue (maybe it is now?). The doc may order a chest x-ray and maybe MRI if nothing shows and especially if it happens again. Or there may be a specialist they can refer you to if it happens again. Better to at least have the episode on record.
I suffer from chest pains occasionally and you're right. Honestly feels like I'm having a heart attack and the pains come and go for either a really short period of time (1-2 hours) or a really long time (1-2 weeks). I'm undiagnosed but my GP seems to think its because my inflammatory bowel disorder (whatever it may be) is also affecting my oesophagus which would be why i'm having 'chest' pains. My oesophagus is spasming like other parts of my digestive tract (mainly small intestines) does which is the reason for the pain.
Definitely get this checked out though because you might not be the same as me!!!
I occasionally get a sharp pain in my chest when I breath in. I never do anything about it and it and it goes away quickly. It doesn't happen frequently either. I'm still alive though so it can't be that serious lol
I occasionally have pain in my chest under my left breast but it doesn't feel like a deep pain. My cardiologist couldn't explain it. My heart skips beats and flutters and makes it hard for me to breath when it does. Turns out I have Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) and a tachycardia. Medication a reducing stress helps. Always best to check it out if your chest is acting up cause you don't know if its heart related or something else that may need treatment. Never take even minor stuff lightly as they can become major later on.
LOL a lot of the guys I work with say a lot. They're in their 20's and it annoys the hell out of me!

If you have been lying down for quite some time you I find I do get sharp pains in my chest, hard to breathe but as you said it goes after a few seconds. No idea why it happens (think its more to do with muscle aches as it disappears quite sudden)

Think you should just need to keep an eye on it
when does high school finish? (uk=16 so ive been out 13).. and yes i had to look it up as well .. and yes we should neuter the lot :p
High school is from grade 9-12 and most people finish when they are 17-18 years old. I finished when I was 18. So sad that that was 12 years ago. D:

Sorry crabby thought you were older than that.. mainly cos of the black and white av you have :p haha ( what is it from)
I have the same thing all the time. My doc told me years ago that it is intercostal muscle spasms. Kind of like a rib cage charley horse. I stretch and try to breath a little deeper each breath and eventually it goes away.
Sorry crabby thought you were older than that.. mainly cos of the black and white av you have :p haha ( what is it from)

My pic is in the face behind the post thread. I aint no old lady. Not even a MILF yet but could be if I had kids. :p

The picture is from my comic Gwatches

Edit: Uh, for some reason a lot of the images aren't working (for me anyway). They are from facebook so maybe facebook is having some issues right now.

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