Hi everybody just wanted to give a quick update in where we're at the moment. Lucy is doing really well and has been symptom free for almost a year. She sucessfully completed her first year of school and turned 6 yesterday, is playing football, pony riding and swimming - basically doing all the things that every other 6 year old is doing. I don't think she even remembers how sick she was!
Things on the other hand are not so good with my little boy Luke who is 4. I've had some concerns about him some months ago but bloods ok and issues resolved. He now had has a number of episodes of blood in his poo in the past week. He is fine otherwise which points away from a bug. My gp is concerned so we are waiting for GI appointment which will probably take a week or two so in the meantime I guess we worry and wait
Things on the other hand are not so good with my little boy Luke who is 4. I've had some concerns about him some months ago but bloods ok and issues resolved. He now had has a number of episodes of blood in his poo in the past week. He is fine otherwise which points away from a bug. My gp is concerned so we are waiting for GI appointment which will probably take a week or two so in the meantime I guess we worry and wait