
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 18, 2010
Well I am 18 and have had CD and Colitis since i was 7 (11 years) I wasn't in remission until about 3 years ago and still going strong. I'm not the best patient at times and i do do my own thing if i think its ok from what i remember i started having symptoms when my parents were going through their divorce i wouldn't tell anyone that i was bleeding out my a** and pretty much filling the toilet with blood and clogging it i didn't want to tell anyone cu i knew my parents would get even more upset it wasn't until about a year later that i was actually diagnosed my dad found the toilet filled with blood after i thought i had unclogged the toilet i was scared they were going to get mad at me i was extremley pale and thin i was taken to my peds doc and saw definate ulcerations in my colon i was taken to a gi doc and then of course the colonoscopy i was diagnosed with CD and colitis i had to be hospitalized for a week due to lack of nutrtion and for observation(i still have the stuffed amimal from my hospital stay) i had to due barrium testing and i was on an iv drip of god knows what after i got out of the hospital i started feeling better i was on prednisone mineral oil and a whole slew of other meds that i don't remember the prednisone helped a lot i gained a lot of weight, i was on it for a year and a half, i was then switched to 6-mp, flagyl and pentasa this helped for a while then i started bleeding again and then i went up to the mayo clinic for a weekend and had my second colonoscopy there and endoscopy and not only did they find that the damage was more than they had originally thought i also had acid reflux...i would throw up acid...i switched gi docs(the first one gave me the creeps) i am still with the one i am i was put on foam ennamas and pentasa and some more flagyl and some more 6-mp after a while they noticed that that wasn't working so they put me on remicade after about a couple tries of remicade i developed antibodies against it and they did a small bowel to swallow more barrium(thats when they figured out i had a barrium intolerence) and they found my lymph nodes were inflamed and they had almost put me on chemo for lymphoma but they went back and retested and everything was normal i was then put on humira and that put me right into remission and then i developed an allergy to it but still stuck with it cuz it worked and then i learned about cimzia and wanted to switch to that and my doc okayed it in august of this year and also this year i started Lamictal for depression/bipolar but with all that going on ive been able to have boyfriends and go to school and im attending college to get my BA in nursing i now have the most loving and understanding boyfriend in the world sooo thats my crazy story
Hey there welcome the forums and awesome youve found a drug helping you into remission.
Im 19, 2nd year university here and my girlfriend who has been with me since diagnosis has made all the difference in the world for me too.
Best of luck with nursing and staying in remission. Welcome to the forums.
thank you its nice to know that someone about the same age as me is going through the same thing i just found out that my lab aide for chem has crohn's and my lab professor has UC lol we were titrating stomach acids and finding out which is better rolaids or tums...i still say tums
dAMN...18, 19 and all that..ya'll are hella youngsters..I don't even remember what I've done at that age..big partying stages for me during those ages. I'm 29 and most say I look about 10 years younger. I guess it's the asian/japanese genetics..or the "mongoloid" look to my face lol