Sorry newie Question

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Jan 27, 2010
I just found out i have crohn's last week. The Dr. put me on pentasa and prednisone. Since being released from the hospital and taking the meds, i feel fine. A little tired sometimes but over all good. When i eat i sometimes get cramping (sometimes mild, sometimes more pain full). I 'm wondering if when i feel the cramping pain thats my body telling me not to eat those foods because they are hard to diegust? Is it normal to feel complete fine on the meds, like nothing is wrong?

Thanks for any help.
Hi There Ninja.....After I was first diagnosed, I went into "remission" fairly fast once the meds kicked in....I still had certain foods that would cause cramping...The diet thing is different for everyone. Most of us find high fiber foods the most difficult to digest...raw veggies, nuts, popcorn, some fruits.....You may want to keep a food diary to see if you notice a trend....Also, read up on the diet and nutrition threads when you get a chance. There is a ton of info and personal experiences there.
Remember your insides may still be pretty sore and will take a while to heal so certain foods are bound to irritate a little.
Hey Lil Ninja,

I was on the same drugs when I was diagnosed. Adter 2-3 days of taking the steroids my symtoms had disppeared and I felt completey well and still do. I dont even know I've got CD now.
Hey Ninja it is entirely normal. I have gone up and down for the last couple weeks. I gues if you took the average I'd feel just like you. Remission is the point where you bascially don't even think you have it like Dani said. However that can take weeks and months. Pentasa if I remember correctly could take you up to and over a month to have it fully working for you. You also could be right it could just be that food that you ate was bothering you. Isn't this disease fun! haha. Well best of luck and its nice your off to a pretty good start so far
Hi Ninja!
Yeah I feel exactly the same
Had a pretty bad scare and ended up in hospital for a week, now on pentasa and preds. feel really well as tho there's nothing wrong with me! except for the damn insomnia! I've no pain or the runs! eating really well, but I tend to steer clear of runny stuff like cream, sauces and tomatoes and fruit. I eat potatoes, pasta, ham, eggs, bread, lots of salmon and tuna. and yoghurt and milk is important too if you're on Pred cos of the calcium, can mess with your bones and teeth. I take 2 calcichews a day. My favourite? HobNobs, brill biscuits!
Good luck xx Joan