Has he got fistulizing Crohn’s? Remicade is generally the go to drug for that but he needs blood test to see if metabolising too fast. I have read some papers that adding certain antibiotics and oxygen therapy can help close fistulas but you might need to seek advice from a specialist- Dr Sanderson at St Guys hospital in London or Dr Borodin in Australia. I’ll try and attach a paper.
I also am aware anecdotally of people with fistula problems doing well in stelara (also called ustekinumab) which is a new drug, costs an arm and a leg so don’t know how your healthcare system works in Greece if he can try it.
There are diet interventions he could try for example university of Massachusetts have a website on IBD AID diet where you start with very soft texture anti inflammatory food and build up, may be worth an experiment with for a few weeks see if it helps him. There is a very helpful Facebook group if he decides to try it.
Poor thing. I hope something helps.