Starting 6 MP

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Aug 7, 2011
Hey guys so my GI dr decided to put me back on 6 MP. I've only been on it once before for a few days and I was super sick then so it was hard to determine what was the 6 MP and what was the Crohn's. Anything in particular I should be aware about now being on it. She put me on 75 MG right now and I'm also doing Remicade treatments every 8 weeks. I cannot afford to be affected by these new meds so I'm hoping I might get some idea ahead of time.
Oooo... My daughter is starting Imuran also and is getting remicade now too. I am courious what people have to say.

I have no advice bc I am just starting her on them both also. My best to you during this journey.
Did you have a TPMT blood test before you commenced the 6MP?

I think the main thing is to be vigilant with blood tests from the outset. Docs differ with their opinions on what the regime should be but the main thing is to ensure you have weekly bloods for LFT's and FBC for, at the very least, one month. Once the drug is established you shouldn't go for more 3 months without a blood test. I well imagine that with your Remicade you would be having blood tests at least every 8 weeks so that shouldn't be an issue.

Has the Remicade put you into remission? If so I don't imagine you feel any positive effects the 6MP may have. If you aren't though, just be aware that it can take the 6MP at least 3 months to become fully therapeutic and for some it is as long as 6 months.

Good luck! I hope the first time round it was the disease and not the drug!

Dusty. xxx
I took 6mp about 10 or 11 years- and got a real bad reaction- I became very anemic and needed 5 transfusions. I have had Crohn's for over 30 years and have taken everything that is out there.For the past 7 years- my liver functions blood tests have been abnormal-and no one knows why- I recently started a new stomach doctor last August-very nice-he did a bunch of blood tests and determine that my b12 vitamin was below normal- and that could be causing the abnormal liver function tests Recently besides having problems with my stomach- I had over 5 bladder infections in 3 months- my urologist put me on macrobid. My stomach dr put me on 6mp again -very low dose- checking my liver functions tests every week to 2 weeks-went for a blood test last week and my liver functions were very high-so he said between macrobid and 6mp- it could cause my liver functions tests to be high-so for 2 weeks I am off of macrobid and 6mp- and see if the levels go down-otherwise I will need to do a liver biopsy- so make sure your doctor knows all the medicines that you are taking because certain combinations can make your blood tests to become abnormal
I tried 6MP for 2 weeks and started to develop really bad headaches in the back of my head. I took myself off of it and told the gastro doc. He said those reactions are possible since it is a biological drug. I have been on Pentasa for 8 months now and it has helped a little.
I've been on 6MP for about 5 months. Prior to this ... Azathioprine for about 9 months. I had to switch due to feeling very "OFF" on AZA and disconnected from the world.

6MP, I still feel slightly off but not as bad as on AZA. So far, the drug has been OKAY. Not a miracle but much better than dealing with a flare up. It for some reason has really made my bowel movements difficult. I now have to take Miralax, literally, every 2 days in a double to triple dose. Otherwise I just won't go much ...

And who knows? Perhaps it is not my 6mp. It could be general IBS.

I don't want to be on this drug for a long time ... But in a sense, it is working to prevent flaring. I am not 100% comfortable on the drug, myself. After I've given my body a rest from flaring (assuming I won't have a flare up for some time), I am going to look into natural and diet approaches to the disease. I have a good friend who sees a nutritionist for her Crohn's and has found success with an elimination diet.

My advice: Do what you have to do to get through today, but also think about the future now and then. Are you comfortable enough to take this drug for some good time and does it truly outweigh the risks?

Keep your head up, you won't always feel like garbage. New developments in science and treatment for autoimmune are on the way ...
and my liver enzymes were slightly elevated in my last blood test ... I understand your discomfort and that sort of fear is very valid and real.

You're not alone in this!
I just started 6-MP 5 days ago and I have been incredibly fatigued ever since and sometimes very queasy with no appetite. Most of the time I eat because I know I should. Has anyone else had these side effects and how long do they last? I was just starting to feel better then my docs put me on the 6-mp. So frustrated!