Sure, I can share more info about my diet. For one I eat most things raw, cooked is fine for me too. I eat, "green smoothies" (because they usually end up green) :lol: for the main part of my diet. They consist of a lot of different things. I start with crushed raw garlic and a small banana, then add some organic kale, spinach, broccoli, leaf lettuce, radicchio,(1 cup or so total veggies per 500 ml) a couple walnuts, 1 tbsp organic turmeric, 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper, a thumb size, cut up piece of ginger root and two tbsp organic ground brown flax seed. I also add blueberries strawberries or pears as are in season. I put anything in that I like sometimes too, as long as it is fruit or vegetables. To this I add filtered water. I put no limit on how much of this I eat, however I usually have a litre or so. The rest of the day it's fruit, veggies, chickpeas, rice and soups mainly. I eat the odd egg, maybe two a month, I love pickled eggs.