Starting Remicade...

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Sep 5, 2012
Bremerton, WA
In a matter of hours I'll be having my first Remicade treatment... Not sure how to feel. I've been in the hospital for almost a week now with a partially obstructed bowel... So the docs decided my medication needed to be changed. I don't know if I should feel anxious, nervous, excited or what... I sorta just feel indifferent... Anything I should know going in or anything I should be concerned about. I'm just trying not to think of everything that could go wrong...
How did it go ktp112? I've never taken Remicade but I do take Humira and have had great results with it so far. Hope all goes well and hope you get out of there soon and start feeling better. Keep us posted! :D
Well, its been a week since my treatment now and it came with a few setbacks... I ended up going back to the hospital two days after they let me out after puking my guts out all night Sunday... I thought it might have been a side effect of the treatment, so I played it safe and went back into the hospital, but x-rays said it was still just the partial obstruction that caused the problems. Anyways, I'm out now and despite having to drop down to a part time student to focus on my health, I'm doing well! I started going to classes again after a 3 week or so break and the professors of the classes I was able to stay in have been very helpful in allowing me to keep up with schooling and focus on my health. As has the Architecture department, which is fantastic. I haven't scheduled my second infusion just yet, but it's coming soon and I hope it works wonders. I'll try to keep this thread updated on how I'm doing.