Cross-stitch gal
Well. I've been doing alright for a little bit now, only flaring a little bit once a month. But, the last few days I've been going more, then today I've been in a little pain and then saw fresh blood for the first time in the toilet with bm. oo:
Just doing the best I can for now and hoping to keep things sorta under control till the 1st of January when I switch medical insurance. Would email my doctor, but haven't heard back from her this last time I emailed her so doubt I'd hear anything this time. :ybatty:
Thanks for listening.:hug:
Just doing the best I can for now and hoping to keep things sorta under control till the 1st of January when I switch medical insurance. Would email my doctor, but haven't heard back from her this last time I emailed her so doubt I'd hear anything this time. :ybatty:
Thanks for listening.:hug: