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Jul 16, 2010
:ybiggrin:I have been desperately trying to find out some information on inflammatory bowel disease when I came across this website. I have read a few posts and have found some very moving and some uplifting. I found the stories very useful, knowing that I’m not alone in my symptoms. I am a staff nurse and used to work on the colorectal surgical unit at my local hospital. I have since changed my job in the past year. I honestly thought I knew everything about bowel disorders, and their treatment etc . Imagine my horror when I found myself a patient on the same ward!

I have been fortunate all my life with no illness, except an under active thyroid. I have kept myself fit attending the gym and walking. I woke up one morning with an awful tenderness and gnawing pain in my [RT] upper quadrant. I had been to a party the night before and drank three glasses of wine. This lasted for two months, for a period of 2-4 weeks I had noticeable changes in my bowel habits, going 6-7 times some days, diarrhoea, no blood though and stomach cramps. My GP was convinced I had gallstones and I was admitted to hospital. I had USS which showed nothing except a fatty liver. All my observations were normal and also my bloods, except one reading of raised ALT and inflammatory markers. I also became very dizzy. Consultant came to see me and said I might have liver disease, was I scared.

I mean I have knocked the wine back in the past but only a bottle or so a week max[I am 50!] Seen a specialist who assured me that I did not have liver disease. Phew! relief. Sent home with some pain killers and an appt for hyerscan and colonoscopy. Hyderscan was normal but colonoscopy showed numerous lesions in my rectal and sigmoid colon, I had biopsies which were inconclusive. They showed a mild, chronic inflammatory bowel disease but unsure what. The DR who performed the colonoscopy said he had never seen the type of lesions before. I have to have them repeated if I have the pain again. I had the same pain about 4 years ago, had an USS then which showed nothing except a fatty liver again. I tried to ignore it and it went away, I don't think I had diarrhoea at that time. This time it took two months to go away, I just woke up one morning and the pain had gone. I am great now, I still have days of diarrhoea, I have a morning coffee and within 10 mins it goes straight through me, sometimes I go to the toilet about 4-5 times a day. I haven't lost any weight and I am back in work.

The consultant wanted to start me on a combination of medication but I declined because I feel well. I am seeing him in 16 wks. I still get twinges of pain in my Rt upper quadrant, still can't really understand that after all the lesions are nowhere near there. I do live in fear of the pain coming back, more that the diarrhoea but I'm taking each day a it comes. I'm not sure what I have but I guess it must be some form of inflammatory bowel disease. Consultants have a way of fobbing you off with medical jargon leaving you alone and afraid, so by sharing stories with each other we can learn and get tips and advice. Would love to hear from anyone.:rosette2:
Welshy, Welcome to the forum!

You spend enough time here and you will see that some folks get diagnosed quickly and others struggle to find a doctor who can finally nail it down.

The other thing you will find is that for people with IBD, how they are affected can be very different one person to the next.

Then to take it further through the looking glass, someone will take a drug and have great results only to have it stop working suddenly.

So I hope you can take some comfort in knowing your not the first one with a story like yours and I hope you feel better soon.
Welcome Welshy!! Crohnically Stinky is right. That must of been strange to be a nurse with bowels disorders and end up getting Crohns. I used to drink Red or white wine but I cannot tolerate it anymore, one glass and I am off too the races lol.

Most people go on mild meds to keep it at bay. But it is your body and your choice. Goodness knows we are on this for a lifetime. Hopefully a cure will be soon. We all feel like one or the others pain, sooner or later. Best to rest, be on a low residue diet, and stay away from stress. Welcome aboard!
Hello Welshy and welcome to the Crohn's Forum.

I have found since being diagnosed and finding this site that
there are as many different symptoms of Crohn's as there are meds for it.

Sometimes it takes awhile to pinpoint exactly the diagnosis..
and others are diagnosed very quickly.

You've come to the right place for information and friendship. :thumleft:

Welcoming Hugs~Nancy
Hey Welshy, I hope you get over this and find there's nothing wrong!! However, I hope you stick around this forum because I think the nurses on here are among the best advisers there could be. Good luck and welcome!!
Hi welshy and :welcome:

ooooooh, that is freaky working on the gastro ward and then.....

I can't really add to the excellent info you've already been given but just a thought as to your right upper quadrant pain. Is it possible you also have inflammation in your small bowel? The colonoscopy is not going to reach there so it may be undiagnosed in that area. Roo had pain in the right upper quandrant and right renal area and her small bowel was affected.

If you are leaning towards the idea that you have some sort of IBD, do you think it might be worthwhile taking the meds?

Glad you found us and I hope you get things sorted soon. I look forward to seeing you around.

All the best,
I too had upper abdo pain. The ultrasound and ct scans only showed inflammation in the terminal ileum. Figure it must be referred pain, or possibly I had a narrowing and was feeling pressure from a build up of food. In my case, even though I felt pain in the upper abdo, it didn't hurt when doctors pressed on it. It did hurt when doctors pressed on my lower abdo. So I think if you have inflammation elsewhere in your small bowel, it would hurt when you press it.
Hey Welshy,

I too am a nurse but changed from cardio thoracic critical care to triaging out of hours on the phone - not NHSD I might add! - so understand how you feel in relation to "getting your head round things".

Takes time to put things together and it may well be that things will come and go. You know however about referred pain.... need I say any more??

If you want to talk at any point just PM me. I do check my messages regularly. Another good site is its by the guys at the hospital where I was dx. See what you think.

Hang in there hun. ((hugs))
Upper right pain....

Hi Welshy,
Yes must be strange with being a nurse and then being on the ward!! :(
I can only comment re upper right pain as to the issues that I have had:

My as of 2 years ago undiagnosed endometriosis was causing a lot of abdominal pain that they suspected was crohn's disease....

But re the upper right pain - couple of things:
the specialist thought that it was my gall bladder causing the pin (but not EXACTLY the right place, pain was upper right below my ribs. Turns out it was my liver hurting.... because of the CD drugs and pancreas not functioning as it should, was putting heaps of pressure on the liver.

Liver tonic and reduction in processed foods and sugar sorted it out :)
Am only saying this because sometimes something else is hurting not the intestines :)
but yes referred pain is another possibility i guess!!
hope this helps.