Stool Consistency

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Nov 30, 2011
Just had my surgery a week and a half ago and in the hospital the ostomy nurse told me to use the open ended pouches with loose stool and the closed pouches once I start having firm stools. Right now I would say consistency is like pudding. I can't imagine anything solider, so will the stools become more solid than pudding? I haven't had a formed BM in so many years I don't even know anymore what one is :).

Also, the nurse told me not to let the shower directly hit my stoma but I was reading posts here with people saying they did with no problems, so I did yesterday, seemed fine to me and much easier for cleaning than using a washcloth.
I have very solid stool! Sometimes when I take my bag off to change my liner, Oscar shoots them out at me! I call them 'bullet poos' I use closed bags, and the colomajik liners...they're a life saver! When the bag's full, you just whip the liner out, flush it and put a new one in. Makes for easy emptying in public and easy cleanup. I find the bags last longer too, which is a good thing since I pay for all my supplies out of pocket.

As for showering, I've never had a problem having the water hit my stoma. I don't blast it on Oscar's head, but I don't avoid it either. I've also had baths with Oscar hanging out...that feels pretty nice on the skin..

Welcome to our little club :)
Nyx, thanks. It will be nice to eventually have solid poos. Someone showed me the liners but I had completely forgotten about them until you mentioned them, will gave to do a google search and get myself some. I think this has been the best place to learn what can and can't be done. It was nice to feel comfortable taking a shower after reading it was OK.
Re: the liners...colomajic will send out a sample of them for $15 if you call them. I find that a regular box of them lasts me 2 - 3 months, so they're a pretty good deal.
Dont feel bad if yours stay like pudding! Mine are still loose and its been over a year. Cindy is one lucky girl.
Open ended. Good grief I'd explode all over the place without an open pouch.

A toast to whoever invented open ended, two piece systems!
I never empty my pouch through the drainable end, as I use liners. So there's no point in having all that extra bulk for me.
Sorry Misty...I did kind of luck out with the stoma I have...I count myself very lucky. Does it make it any better to know that I have nasty anal skin tags and a lovely vaginal fistula? lol
It helps a bit yeah. But I have a colapsed abdomen and look like I'm 9 mo preggers and a parastomal hernia named Olie. So...yea, I'm still jealous!!!
It's kind of feeling like a contest of who has the worst To top it all off, I'm in peri-menopause...which may turn out to be a good
I'm going to be 42 in a few months...I'm ever so hopeful that menopause is around the I"m not having any babies, so I really don't need the irritation every
Nyx, I have an anal fistula with 3 setons - one of which is located on the edge of my vagina so it might as well be a vaginal fistual, so I can so feel your pain there. And if my stoma had a hernia I don't know if I would know, it has funny bumps around the outside but I think that is because it is new and still what doe a hernia on the stoma look and feel like.

I am thinking I am going to buy the liners. I have pudding consistency for stools but I think I could make it work, worth a try. I have about 60 of the closed end pouches so I need to do something to make them last.

I am having cramping and bloody this normal? I know it was normal with the Crohn's prior to the colostomy so I am assuming it is normal Crohn's even with the colostomy. I see the doctor this morning but I feel so bad I am counting the time till the appointment, plus I lost the 2 pounds I gained last week because I couldn't eat due to the cramping.
I've never had cramps and bloody stool with my stoma. It's a good thing you're off to the doctor this morning! Get it checked out.

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