Stopped smoking and now flare

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Oct 19, 2011
I have had crohns for over 8 years and managed to control it pretty while through various means (Humira ect ect).

I gave up smoking before I was diagnosed however I started smoking again (I know..I know..I know stupid boy!!). I started about 2 years ago but very lightly. Maybe about 5 a day at most.

Anyways about 2 weeks ago I made the decision to stop again. I stopped altogether but did get a vape to help the process, again I hardly use it and have managed to cope and not smoke any cigarettes.

However stopping the last week I seem to have hit a bit of a flare with some serious pain, bloating, frequent painful toilet trip and very loose stools.

So now I’m pi$$ed as trying to do the right thing by giving up seems to have kicked of some symptons.

Is this actually possible that stopping the cigs has caused a flare? Could it be the vape that’s started the symptoms or could it just be coincidence??

Any feedback would be great.
I read once that nicotine is an adaptogen. If it actually works as an adaptogen then it would boost a low immune system and lower a hyperactive one.

Not sure if that actually happens but I did have a strange response to quitting smoking many years before my Crohn’s diagnosis. I wasn’t having symptoms at that time but when I quit my guts had a very strange sensation in them. I described it as feeling as though my guts felt like they were going to fall out. It was a very uncomfortable feeling but I didn’t smoke for two years in spite of it.

In retrospect my hypothesis on this is all the strains of mocrobes that were inflamming my guts were now under attack by my faulty immune system. I do have to quit smoking again so I suspect that should not occur now as I have eliminated most of those pathogens since. But, only quitting will tell me if I am on the right track.

I certainly could be wrong on this. It’s just my best potential explanation at this time.
