I have these red pinprick spot on my skin that randomly appear, they don't itch they aren't all over my body they are just on my stomach, arms and my legs(the ones on my legs are slightly bigger) Just a couple of question-What are they?? and Why??
That's a side effect of Azathioprine (your sig says you're currently taking it). Other medications can cause it as well. It could be something as simple as bleeding into the skin from broken blood vessels (Petechiae) to issues with the liver. It's always best to run it by your doctor. How often do you have blood work done (since you're on Aza it should be often)? If it is Petechiae then it could also be caused by a vit C or vit K deficiency so it would be a good idea to have those tested when you have your next blood work done.
I get these as well from 6MP and I also got them from when I was taking Methotrexate. The dots themselves are not dangerous but a possible underlying condition causing them could be. Even though this is likely just a side effect of the Aza you're taking you should still show them to your doctor to at the very least give you peace of mind if it turns out to be nothing serious.
My blood work doesn't get done very often so I think that that is the first time in 4 maybe 5months, but before that it wasn't done for a whole year, my doctors aren't very good at keeping trak of it all infact they have been quite lazy.
Oh man, that's no good. Can you have your GP order the blood work? My GP will order any blood work that my specialists might forget or if they're out of town etc. If your doctors drop the ball then you'll have to pick it up and make sure that someone is taking care of you.
Have your vitamin levels tested as well to figure out what may be causing your dizzy spells. Take care.