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Oct 16, 2013
Around the same time I have trouble with my stomach, my psorasis kicks up also. I have the psorasis on both legs but it only itches on my right side.
It was mysterious to myself also.

I had my very first bout of Psoriasis when I was diagnosed with Crohns. I big raised purple red inflamed 4" circle on my shin. I thought it was probably related to the Crohns in some way, but did not know how.

I tried many things to try rid myself of it. Essential oils, tea tree oil, various other remedies, nothing phased it. One thing that would reduce it somewhat was strong, direct sunlight. Discovered that while in Florida. I live in the Northern latitude so strong sunlight like that is not generally available.

I did eventually figure out what caused it and how to get rid of it. MAP is pretty much known to be involved with Crohns. I happened to have a Rife machine at home since I had been treating my wife's Lyme Disease using it. It works by producing frequencies that are harmful to specific bacteria. For instance 2016 Hz is good at killing Borellia Burgdorferi which is the bacterium involved with lyme Disease.

I found frequencies which were supposed to kill various forms of Mycobacterium Avium and ran them on the machine to see if it would help my Crohns. It did to some extent, but what was more interesting to me was I could feel it hitting something in my shin as I ran the frequencies. At first the Psoriasis puffed up more but in the next few days it started healing and went away completely. it has never came back since although I did feel the frequencies hit in that same area when I ran it at a later time.

Anyway, it all sounds like a bunch of hooey until you see it work for yourself. I don't know if Psoriasis is always caused by MAP, but if you have Crohn's and Psoriasis, I think the odds are much greater that it is caused by MAP, than not.

It is an easy test. You find somebody that has a Rife machine. Sometimes chiropractors will have one or know of someone who does. You could find one to use if you check around. No point in buying one until you are certain it is going to work first.

Then you run the following eight frequencies. There are actually over thirty frequencies for this but being it is for multiple strains of mycobacterium avium, they are covering all of them. You only need to run these eight for MAP. There is likely just one that will kill it but I ran all eight at once, so I do not know which is doing the job.

Here is the list. They are all in Hertz.

642.2, 700.9, 769.6, 803.4, 8300, 818.5, 1001.2, 2471.3

This is how I would go about treating for psoriasis. I would run them for ten minutes each the first couple of sessions as you do not want to kill too much at one time. I would personally run them every other day for a week for a total of four sessions increasing the run time to twenty minutes the last two times. MAP replicates slowly, no need to treat it every day.

If MAP is the cause, the psoriasis will be completely gone in a couple of weeks, or as long as it takes your body to heal the areas.

That is how I would go about it. Its up to you how to treat your disease, this is just one more option.

Good luck.

MAP is,short for mycobacterium paratuberculosis subspecies avium. It is the most common bacterium inplicated in Crohn's disease.

A Rife machine is an unapproved method of damaging specific bacteria or viruses using frequencies.

For an in depth explanation go to:

Its still considered experimental but mostly considered a quack treatment. I have found it extremely useful and effective. Its not a cure all but it works exceptionally well for certain pathogens.

I have no idea why it itches on one side. Mine itched like crazy all of the time. My skin is scarred from scratching it so much when I had it.

Good idea.

If you decide to try it, please let us know the results, even if it doesn't work. I would like to know if MAP is often the cause of psoriasis.

My previous frequency list was incorrect in this thread. They were not the ones I used. After checking how the program runs the frequencies I realized they ran in reverse order. There are 39 listed Mycobacterium Avium frequencies, but I only used the seven listed.

I tested these seven frequencies to treat MAP. I ran them all at one time, but would only be more effective if ran one at a time. I would start for ten minutes as a beginning run time for maybe a week. I would increase time until you get to 45 minutes run time. Either running them all at one time or individually.

2075, 529.3, 937.4, 824.5, 825.7, 590, 860.2

All frequencies are in Hz.

Char Boehm's DNA based frequencies are the better tested MAP, by myself anyway. They were the ones that actually eliminated my Psoriasis. I used the ones listed here after the Psoriasis was already gone. Judging by the distinct sensation in the area, they worked in a similar manner.

Sorry for the error.

Hey Dan I have been going through some of your threads and curious how well these frequencies have been working for you. And I'm interested in getting a rife machine from true rife. Which has frequencies to kill mycoplasma and map bacteria. I am much more into these treatments rather than antibiotics. But also understand these pathogens can take refuge in our blood and lymph glands. Has the rife helped to relieve your symptoms. I have chronic inflammation right in my low left side. But please get back to me when you can with info. Thanks
Hello Jake.

As I treated for each of the four pathogens I found were involved with my Crohn's, I improved. The biggest obstacle I had was how to tell if they were working. I have never been real symptomatic until things were well out of hand. It took some time to home in on the more subtle symptoms I did have. Once I had some reliable benchmarks, it became easier.

It is working out quite well. I was flared after my surgery while I was taking Imuran. Going down hill fairly fast. I finally decided that the Imuran experiment was over as it just was not helping me. I put all of what I learned from testing frequencies, and correcting mistakes I had made, and committed to what I knew best. Since that time I have only improved.

The only drug I use on occasion is Cholestyramine. If I am on a long trip or in a place where a bathroom may not be available, I will use it. That actually gave me another measure of health. When flared, the Cholestyramine did not hardly work at all. When I was somewhat flared, but not bad, it would give me 12 hours or so. Now, when I use it I am good for two days.

I don't use it often, because in spite of not having an Iliocal valve any longer, I do not have the intense urgency I did before. I don't have the mucous I used to have either. I was not able to drink coffee before, now I drink over a pot a day. I could not tolerate onions before. Now I can eat them again.

I work 60 to 70 hours a week, and have the energy to do it.

Having said all that, I am still just one person who has used this method to this degree so that's got to be considered also.

The true Rife device has plenty of power to do the job, but it does have some drawbacks also. You can only run one frequency at a time. If you look under the CAFL. Consolidated annotated frequency list (link below) you will see all the frequencies listed for mycoplasma. There are quite a lot of them, and it might be part of your Crohn's.

If you do have that infection, and it is not rare by any means, you will have to run each frequency for about an hour each. That is a very tough pathogen and it takes that long to put a dent in it. I can run eight frequencies at a time, and even at that it takes a while to treat all four pathogens I have.

One other disadvantage is the True Rife is actually an EMEM, which just means it runs a single treatment frequency without a carrier frequency. Rife's original frequencies need a carrier frequency and a second frequency to work. He used two frequencies to get his destructive effect. A vast majority of the frequencies I use are not Rife's original frequencies, but one important frequency for E-Coli I do use. I tried the CAFL listed E-Coli frequencies a while back. I think it is posted here someplace but it was a few years ago. They did not work. Rife tested his frequencies to a nauseating degree. He would have drove me insane, doing the same test over and over again. the result of all that is his frequencies are by far the most tested and reliable. E-Coli, AIEC specifically, is most likely present where MAP is present. Without that carrier frequency, you will not have a good working frequency for E-Coli.

Unfortunately, at the time I was trying to kill E-Coli with frequencies, Rife's original frequencies were not known. Now they are.

All the frequencies that can be run on one machine can be run on another. There are no frequencies that are unique to a machine. They just have to be able to produce the frequency in the correct wave form and deliver them with adequate power.

If you decide to try this, I would suggest your stick with any medications you are currently using. I know with a fair amount of confidence what is causing my symptoms, and I am sure some of them are typically involved with Crohn's in most people. What I don't know is how many other pathogens could be involved in other cases.

Besides that, in a good experiment you try not to introduce any more variables into the experiment than you have to. Do everything else the same except for your frequency treatment. Otherwise you have no idea if stopping your meds had an effect, going on a gluten free diet made a difference, you get the idea. You want one variable and that is your frequency treatment.

There is a depth problem with frequency treatments. When I cured my psoriasis using the MAP frequencies, it was quite easy. The bacterium was near the surface with very little mass between the MAP and the frequency. As you try to clear it out of the intestines, it gets more difficult. You have to run longer to kill deeper. Rife used bacterium samples in a pile of horsemeat to gauge approximate run times to kill the sample. MAP is not particularly difficult to kill as long as you run the frequencies long enough.

You can overdo a treatment. If H-Pylori is part of your inflammation as it was in my case, you do not want to kill too much at one time. I flared myself pretty good going up from a ten minute treatment to a twenty minute treatment. it only lasted a day or so but it was not much fun. That's the depth thing. I was not getting deep at ten minutes. At twenty I killed way too much way to fast. I would work up more slowly if I did it again.

It is experimental, no doubt about that. If you are not comfortable with tinkering with these pathogens and sometimes get into trouble doing it, do not use the method. mistakes will be made, and typically they are not serious, but you can flare yourself by going to fast.

That's all I got.

hope you find the answer one way or another.

Ok great thanks Dan. I must say I am currently not on any med, have been gluten free for 5 years and don't have much symptoms except local inflammation to my ileum only bothered when eating meat. Due to the fact that the damage done to my ileum prevents me from re absorbing bile (the main role of the ileum) so when I eat meat the bike is not absorbed then sits in my colon causing inflammation. I have had stool tests done and do have high levels of e.coli and a few other inflammatory bugs. But I guess my best bet is to get a machine that can run multiple frequencies. Is there a such thing? I am beginning to learn about rife machines and frequencies. But with the true rife being so so. Do you have a machine that you would suggest for multiple frequencies? Thanks for you time
The GB-4000 is the machine I bought ten years ago to treat my wife's Lyme disease. Its the same one I use now. I have no regrets and I would buy the same one today.

There are a few good devices,out there but the GB-4000 is the only one that can run eight frequencies at a time.

Since you have access to the True Rife you can use, do that first. No point in buying anything until you see results. I would have done the same in the beginning if I could have.
