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Jan 21, 2011
So how do you know if you have a stricture and not a complete blockage or infection? I went on antibiotics 2 weeks ago bc I couldnt keep food down and was seriously cramping and running a really high fever. My GI put me on Flagyl and Cipro bc she thought it was an infection. Then last week I got strep and added Amoxicillan to the bunch. This whole time I have been onsoft foods and alot of water and gatorade but I still feel horrible. I am able to pass stool but its not alot and only about every 3-4 days. My stomach is so distended that I look pregnant. If I eat fast or too much it comes right back up and Im at a loss as to what to do. Bc of all the antibiotics I now have a yeast infection and I just dont know if maybe there is some major swelling but not quite enough for a total blockage. I am still new to all of this but I know that this isnt normal. My stomach is yelling at me all day long and wakes me up at night to let me know that it is still not well. Any thoughts about where I should go from here? Thanks:)
Hi Starla86, I've had a lot of problems with strictures. The easiest way to spot them is by ultrasound. Really that is the confirmation & then usually a colonoscopy with balloon dilation if possible.
But Ultrasound nearly always the 1st port of call & obviously far cheaper than scans or scopes.
Hope this helps.
are your stools thin??? constipation and then every so often getting small thin stools are a sign...

also feeling very bloated, a lot of pressure and pain cramping, nausea and vomiting are symptoms of blockage.. in my experience.

hope this helps... feel better soon!
Yes they can be & very bloated with like pressure pains on my LH side. Had two dilated last december & hoping/praying they will stay away.
Keep well.
I am beyond bloated, my fiance gave me hug last night and jokingly said well whens the baby due:( I am only on Remicade now and my GI took me off of the Entocort about 3wks ago to see if the Remicade was working or if the steroids were just masking my symtoms. I am beginning to think that maybe the Remicade is not working as well as it should. I have my 4th infusion tomorrow and hopefully that will knock this out but if not I am scared that surgery is where I am at. I am saying that bc my GI said that Remicade was kinda a last resort before surgery. And with all the money that Remicade is costing me it better be working!!! I am sticking to a liquid diet until this calms down and if the Remi doesnt make me feel any better then off to the DR we go. Thanks for all the input you guys keep me going:)
well, if it makes you feel any hope... i have 3 bad strictures but i've been on Remicade for over a year, and was told recently that there has been some improvement in the strictures... so let's hope the Remicade helps you too.

yeah strictures suck, very very uncomfortable...never knew how painful gas build up could be, my goodness!

like i said, keep an eye on your stools! very thin stools are a major sign of strictures!

best wishes!
Hello all,

I have a question about strictures, too.

I know from a colonoscopy a few months ago that I have a stricture. It had never felt like a problem until last week, when my overall symptoms started to improve and my daily diarrhea (6-8 times per day) went down to much healthier looking, though still loose stools, about 3-4 times per day. I'm not in very much pain, I have an ok appetite and the majority of my abdomen is pretty soft.

However, my right lower abdomen (where I think the stricture is), has been bothering me a lot since my diarrhea turned into more formed stools. It always feels tight, tender, and I do feel somewhat bloated a lot of the time. The most worrisome symptom I've been having is that I get noticeable, elevated lumps in that area on my abdomen. It comes and goes throughout the day and is the worst in the evening/during the night. I assume that it's a result of the bulkier stool trying to get through the narrow passage.

So basically there will be a big lump and after a little bit it will dissipate and gurgle away, but then come back again... If I touch it or massage it, it will dissipate more quickly. And when there isn't a huge lump, that area is always more tender and sore than the rest of my abdomen.

Has anyone ever experienced this? I'm seeing my GI tomorrow, by coincidence, so I will tell him and hopefully I can find out how serious it is... but I just wanted to know if this seems like a serious stricture to anyone else? If it were serious, I would be more sick, would I not? I would have a harder time eating and be more bloated?
So basically there will be a big lump and after a little bit it will dissipate and gurgle away, but then come back again... If I touch it or massage it, it will dissipate more quickly. And when there isn't a huge lump, that area is always more tender and sore than the rest of my abdomen

The same thing has been happening to me over the past month or so, and my Crohn's has been really out of control for the same period of time (to the extent that I've been in hospital and prescribed a liquid diet). So long as your other symptoms haven't gotten worse and you're not vomiting, it's probably OK. But if any of your other symptoms get worse, get it checked out immediately because I'd generally say that's not normal.

I'm glad to see you have a GI appointment tomorrow so you can bring it up.

Thank you for your response. I'm also glad I have an appointment tomorrow! Otherwise, I'd definitely be calling him up to see him ASAP! I'm not vomiting, I'm not constipated either (though I'm going to the bathroom far less than I was and I'm wondering if that's a result of this problem). I'm only slightly bloated when I eat and not in terribly much pain. SO, I think it's ok for now, but I will definitely make sure it's checked out.

I hope that you start to feel better soon!

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